“Is This the Edit of Me?” A review of “Pig at the Crossing,” by Khyentse Norbu
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
1h ago
Alana Siegel gives an in-depth review and thematic analysis of the newest film by Khyentse Norbu ..read more
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Chengde, Mandala of Chinese Emperors
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by Teahouse
3d ago
Exploring the esoteric power of the Chengde Mountain Resort and its Eight Outer Temples with Laurence Brahm ..read more
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Avalokiteshvara’s Thousand-Armed Reach in Puning Temple
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
1w ago
In both the Qianlong reign and today's China, Puning Temple is the most important Buddhist institution in Chengde ..read more
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The Sino-Tibetan Legacy of Unity at Xumi Fushou Temple, Chengde
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
1w ago
Xumi Fushou Temple in the Mountain Resort of Chengde is the crucible of the Qing's great project of Tibetan unity, and by extension, modern China's ..read more
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Taking Refuge in the Three Treasures: Buddhist dynamism and vibrancy in China
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
2w ago
China's Buddhist culture is nuanced and subtle, with formal laypeople and non-Buddhists alike making the sangha vibrant and dynamic ..read more
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The Buddhist cultural complex across Asia: Virtues make a religious person
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
2w ago
A Pew Research Center survey of Buddhists in Asia suggests that virtuous actions are an integral part of Buddhist practice ..read more
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The Buddhist Digital Resource Center’s 25th Anniversary at the Rubin Museum of Art
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
2w ago
After 25 years of preserving and digitizing rare and endangered texts, the BDRC is looking ahead to the next quarter century ..read more
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The Mongolian-Gelug shadow over Tibet: Six decades of failed US-Gelug policy
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
3w ago
A definitive analysis of the future of the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau that contextualizes Gelug dominance of Tibetan politics in 60 years of failed US diplomacy and Sino-Gelug impasse ..read more
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Freedom, predestination, and fate in the characters of Monkey and Lucifer
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
3w ago
One of 2024's biggest video games is replete with Buddhist themes while also raising existential questions about destiny and fate ..read more
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Tsinghua University’s New Study of Sakya Figures, Doctrine, and Places
Buddhistdoor Global Blog
by Teahouse
3w ago
A collaboration between the Sakya school and Tsinghua University is ushering in "spiritual civilization" and providing a model for collaboration between temples and universities ..read more
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