Christian Communal Living
The Christian Church is in Apostasy. The "Church" Are The Members, Not The Building. Therefore, The Big Question Has to be Asked, What Are You Following? And WHO Are You Following? Whether You Want to Admit it or Not, Even If You Consider Yourself a Devout Follower of Jesus Christ, and Biblical Christianity, Also Follow and Submit to on Earth ...Specifically; the Christian Lord..
Christian Communal Living
6M ago
Christian Communal Living
6M ago
and by EnLightened , it is not the so-called "enlightened" nonsense of
a hindu, yoga, etc. guru. ChristianCommunity1@yahoo.com ..read more
Christian Communal Living
6M ago
Even though this is an AI generated ludicrous pic, The point is that you are not going to
see a woman like this in church, But why are we settling for toxic feminist Christian women,
or so-called Christian women ?
It's not a debate about "spirituality" invading Christian churches, That nonsense
has been in the church for a long time, The point is that obviously the spiritual-realm
exists in the Bible, in Heaven, and God is SPIRIT and must be worshipped in SPIRIT..
and I don't mean the nonsense of hillbilly pastors and their Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost
circus when they claim that the Holy Spiri ..read more
Christian Communal Living
6M ago
Christian Communal Living
6M ago
Christian Communal Living
6M ago
Christian Communal Living
6M ago
https://youtube.com/@EnlightenedMaster_Saneiv Watch a couple of 5 minute intro #videos about #Saneiv, The only true #spiritual master in the #world , and your life will never be the same again, your greatness is being hidden by your ego and "self"
#spirituality #spiritualawakening #yoga #yogaistoxic #supernatural #arizona #85205 #85120 #85142 #85254 #scottsdale #scottsdaleaz #84101
I never thought that I would ever witness calvary chapel go against the Bible ( God's Word ),
and go against the teachings of Pastor Chuck Smith...I attended Calvary Chapel, even before the "tent days" , But most ..read more
Christian Communal Living
6M ago
advent Bible calling Calvary Global Network christ christianity christmas church Church Planting community COVID-19 Culture discipleship Easter encouragement Evangelism Faith global God GoodLion gospel grace Great Commission history Hope Israel Jesus leadership love ministry missionary Missions Pastor podcasts prayer Salvation spiritual health the church The Link theology Training women ..read more