A Gentleman and a Thief (Crimes of Old New York)
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
1w ago
In the Roaring Twenties, Arthur Barry stole millions of dollars' worth of jewels from some of New York's wealthiest residents. Today, we talk about the cat burglar's audacious capers with best-selling author Dean Jobb, whose new biography of Barry is titled A Gentleman and a Thief. For more about Jobb's writing, visit his website at https://www.deanjobb.com/.   If you'd like to support the show, please consider beocming a patron at www.patreon.com/artofcrimepodcast.     ..read more
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The Herculean Labor of Sculpting the Perseus
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
1w ago
The Perseus of Benvenuto Cellini is justly considered a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture. Believe it or not, this statue almost never existed. From start to finish, sculpting the Perseus proved a Herculean labor, as dogged opposition from Cellini's own patron, life-threatening illness, and the sheer enormity of the artist's ambitions conspired against him. Show notes and full transcripts available at www.artofcrimepodcast.com.  If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/artofcrimepodcast.  ..read more
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Before Borat: The Dreadnought Hoax
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
1w ago
In 1910, four Abyssinian royals toured the H.M.S. Dreadnought, the most technologically advanced ship in the British Royal Navy. Afterward, however, it leaked to the press that the captain and crew of the vessel had been duped: they had given a tour not to foreign dinitaries but British citizens. The Dreadnought affair caused a minor scandal, and what started as a practical joke threatened to end in legal repercussions for the hoaxers. Show notes and full transcripts available at www.artofcrimepodcast.com.  If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at www.patr ..read more
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Murder at Madison Square Garden (Crimes of Old New York)
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
3w ago
In 1901, Broadway chorus girl Evelyn Nesbit met Stanford White, the fabulously wealthy and influential architect who designed Madison Square Garden. They formed a relationship that ended in murder six years later, right in the middle of a crowded performance at Madison Square Garden.   If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/artofcrimepodcast.   For show notes and full transcripts, visit www.artofcrimepodcast.com.  ..read more
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Introducing Who ARTed? - The Stockholm Art Heist
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
3w ago
Today, I'm sharing an episode of the delightful art history podcast, Who ARTed?, hosted by Kyle Wood. This episode is all about the Stockholm art heist of the year 2000. Find out what extraordinary paintings were stolen from the National Gallery--and how they were recovered. We're back next week with another installment in Queen of Crime: Madame Tussaud and the Chamber of Horrors.   Show notes and full transcripts available at www.artofcrimepodcast.com. If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/artofcrimepodcast.  ..read more
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Introducing History Uncovered: The Disappearance of Michael Rockefeller
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
3w ago
Today, we're joined by Austin Harvey, co-host of History Uncovered, a podcast that explores the natural world and the world past. First, we'll hear a History Uncovered episode about the mysterious disappearance of indigenous art collector Michael Rockefeller in 1961. Afterward, Austin chats with Gavin about the process of making the episode and offers additional insight on a few key points. If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/artofcrimepodcast ..read more
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The Art of Crime Interview on Crawlspace
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
3w ago
Back in the spring, I was interviewed on the true crime podcast, Crawlspace, and I wanted to share that interview with you. Hope you enjoy! We'll be back with original Art of Crime content in December, and season 3 will start in earnest in January 2024. If you'd like more Art of Crime content now, however, please consider becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/artofcrimepodcast. There, you can listen to a sneak peak at season 3, and we're coming out with two new episodes related to the theme of assassins in the coming days ..read more
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Ask Me Anything (Assassins)
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
3w ago
Thanks to everyone who submitted questions! Show notes and full transcripts available at www.artofcrimepodcast.com.  If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/artofcrimepodcast.  ..read more
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History Daily Special Presentation: The Antwerp Diamond Heist
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
3w ago
The first in a series of bonus episodes related to the theme of assassins will drop on Wednesday, September 13. To tide you over until then, I'm pleased to present two episodes of the History Daily podcast. History Daily generously featured an episode of The Art of Crime a few weeks back, so I wanted to return the favor. This History Daily episode is about the Antwerp diamond heist of 2003, one of the largest heists of all time. Show notes and full transcripts available at www.artofcrimepodcast.com.  If you'd like to support the show, please consider becoming a patron at www.patreon.com ..read more
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History Daily Special Presentation: The Mystery of D.B. Cooper
The Art of Crime
by Gavin Whitehead
3w ago
The first in a series of bonus episodes related to the theme of assassins will drop on Wednesday, September 13. To tide you over until then, I'm pleased to present two episodes of the History Daily podcast. History Daily generously featured an episode of The Art of Crime a few weeks back, so I wanted to return the favor. This episode is about the mystery of D.B. Cooper. On November 24, 1971, an unidentified criminal known by that name hijacks a Boeing 727, extorts $200,000 in ransom money, and parachutes to an uncertain fate. Show notes and full transcripts available at www.artofcrimepodcast ..read more
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