AI Berlin
AI-Berlin makes technology companies, startups, research institutions, and talents visible on one platform at the AI location in Berlin. Their blog, through constant industry updates and interviews, takes a closer look at the core algorithms driving AI applications, from machine learning to neural networks.
AI Berlin
1w ago
"The models developed in the KISTRA project can help to detect unlawful content on the Internet more
AI Berlin
3w ago
"The models developed in the KISTRA project can help to detect [such] unlawful content on the Internet more
AI Berlin
1M ago
“I wanted to create technology that will work hand-in-hand with workers, rather than replace them more
AI Berlin
2M ago
“We want to change the disbalance on female leadership in data and AI on the systemic level more
AI Berlin
2M ago
“The focus on sustainability and tech could set Berlin apart from New York and Paris more
AI Berlin
2M ago
“Our goal is to become a major player in AI server/device-side infrastructure more
AI Berlin
2M ago
"A central concern is to involve civil society stakeholders in the co-development of the technology more
AI Berlin
4M ago
The ZKI-PH (Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Public Health Research) of the Robert Koch Institute is researching new approaches to more