A Journey of Struggle & Survival | 12 Years and Counting
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
7M ago
In this conversation, Brittany shares her personal journey of struggling with mental health and attempting suicide and the aftermath 12 years later. She talks about the trauma she experienced throughout her life and the pressure she felt to fit in and be accepted. Brittany emphasizes the importance of seeking help and not being ashamed of one's struggles. She encourages kindness and compassion towards others and highlights the significance of self-love and self-worth. Brittany concludes by reminding listeners that there is always hope and that every day is a gift. A few excerpts "It's okay to ..read more
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The Final Episode...
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
9M ago
This will be the final, (audio only) episode of The Strength Personified Podcast. We are about to take things to the next fucking level, VIDEO BABY!. You can't get rid of me that easy. This episode recaps 2023, a huge perspective shift in relation to trauma healing, and what the plan is moving forward for this platform, in regard to, this show and the Brittany Cooley brand collective across-the-board. This episode is heavy on the…tough love and choosing your reality in which you live. With a tragedy also comes triumph. Theres a special surprise when you hit play. Enjoy and stay tuned for the s ..read more
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Strength Personified III A Personal Story of Chaos to Consciousness: Chapter 1
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
1y ago
Listen to the first chapter of my forthcoming book Strength Personified, three a personal story of chaos and consciousness ..read more
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Second Interview with Jamison Reeves
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
1y ago
Britt and Jamison discuss all their ventures and their plans for the new space. This is the introductory episode to the new sister podcasts to SP, No Half Measures and The Orion Focus ..read more
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Surviving Narcisim
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
1y ago
Brittany talks in depth about how to handle narcissistic relationships and the best ways to avoid getting tangled in their lovebombing web ..read more
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How to Break The Cycle of Suck In Your Life
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
1y ago
In this episode, Brittany gives her raw experience breaking her own cycle of suck and combatting anxiety and depression on a regular basis ..read more
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No Half Measures with Jamison Reeves
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
1y ago
Interview with Jamison Reeves discussing his “No Half Measures” perspective on life and how to get out of your own way to find success ..read more
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A Clean Slate
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
1y ago
The universe works in mysterious and ridiculous ways. In this episode I discuss co-parenting and how it feels to lose your social platforms completely and have to start from scratch ..read more
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My Journey to Sobriety
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
1y ago
A very raw look into my struggle with alcohol over the past twenty years and the pivotal moments that lead me to be 37 days sober and counting ..read more
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8 Ways To Fight Depression
Strength Personified
by Brittany Cooley
1y ago
These are 8 things I have found to be the most helpful in fighting my own personal battle with depression and anxiety. I hope they help you too. Please share with friends or family who you feel might benefit from listening ..read more
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