Korean American Foundation NY
The Korean American Foundation of New York (KAFUSANY) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1986 to promote cultural understanding and exchange between Korea and the United States. The foundation provides scholarships to orphaned and disadvantaged Korean children, supports Korean War veterans, and sponsors cultural programs between the two countries Their blog provides information..
Korean American Foundation NY
8M ago
We are living in an era without trust. Nothing we can trust. Trust no one, not even no one. Information we get everyday may be not true and accurate. People around us who make every effort to make money or profit attaches more importance to their self-interest only without moral and ethics. We lost mutual trust. How we bring us back to trust ? How will we get a sterling source of trustworthy information when our society is filled with confusion of misinformation and disinformation.. Misinformation is false information that people sincerely believe and unwittingly spread. Disinformation is deli ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
11M ago
초청장: 한국전 윌님전 참전용사 위로의 밤. 11윌 12일, 일, 오후 2시, 가수단환영.
주체: 한미사랑의 재단, 한국전 용시회 202 지부 연락처: 스켈리 용사회장, 총재 이호제 박사
November 12, 2023 Sat . 2PM, TOWN OF WALLKILL COMMUNITY CENT ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
1y ago
Reviewing the Final Speech of General Douglas MacArthur that was delivered at West Point before Gen. passed away
It is going to be the 60th anniversary of Gen. MacArthur’s death in April next year. Reviewing his legendary speech in 1962 at the USMA, West point, we are paying more and more respect for his character and for his superior leadership during the II WW and especially during the Korean War. The hero’s poetic speech at the West Point immediately leads us, especially Korean Americans, into tears, every time when we think of our destiny and of our dream to reunite the divided country, an ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
1y ago
Critical Lessons from the History of Three Kingdom (Koguryo, Paikje, Silla) during 3 century to 8 Century.
삼국(고구려,백제,신라) 역사의 교훈
삼국시대 한국역사를 간단히 요약하기란 검불에서 바늘을 찿는 겪일지 도 모른다.
한국역사는 대략 4천년부터 시작되었지만, 실제로는 기원후 3세기 에 탄생된 고구려, 백제, 신라 3 왕국의 시대적 흐름이 한국역사의 깊은 뿌리라 할수있다. 기원전 4세기경 인도로부터 도입된 자기 수련, 가기수양의 불교사상은 일찌기 중국을거쳐 고구려 소수림왕(371-384)때 고구려에 전파되어 그후 신라, 백제를 포함 3국의 정신적 지주역활을 하는문화 창달의 중심적 사상으로 자리매김했다. 이러한 역사의 흐름을 한국역사의 최고 권위자라 할수있는 전 서울대학 한국학교수로서 동경제국대학,하바드엔칭연구소에 수학하며, 삼국의 정치,통치관계 역사관을 남다른 역사간과 통찰력으로 연구하신 한우근 박사의 연구와 저서에 의거  ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
1y ago
Do our best to widen the horizon of compassion to accommodate all the living creatures, Nature and its beauty” reinforces our compassion to love Nature and its beauty. How beautiful the flower of Irish lily with beautiful color of dark blue and white as per attached photo is. That is why I enjoy growing flowers and do gardening work every morning. Compassion of living creatures and Nature’s beauty were already touched in the principal of Hwarang do spirit during the Shilla dynasty. The famous monk;Wong’Gang,, Cha’jang, Uisang, Won Hyo introduced the doctrines of Buddhist Principal Sects in the ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
1y ago
20 renown Korean poets held Poetry Recitation Concert at Carnegie Hall and Korean Lutheran Church, Palisades Park where Dr. Hubert Hojae Lee delivered his own English poem honoring Korean War Veterans, who fought for Freedom, Security and Democracy 73 years ago to commemorate the 70th year anniversary of the Allied Relationship. 카네기홀 시낭송 콘서트 는, 한글 창제 580 주년을 맞이하여,20 여명의 한국이 낳은 시인,시낭송전문가. 시낭송 배우들로 구성된 “시가흐르는 서울” 회원들이 한국의 시문학창달을 위하여, 뉴욕시의 Carnegie Hall에서 역사적 랑데뷰를 했다. 이행사는 세계 경제권 10위에 도달한 대한민국 의 한강의 기적에 상응하는 한국시 문학의 우수성과 품격을 영상, 음악,조명, story telling ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
1y ago
My trip to Korea on a Lufthanza Air Line via Munich, West Germany was rather tedious and boring due to long hour stay in Munich and Frankfurt on way back to the final destination Newark, NJ. This trip, first since the Covid-19 allowed me to stay the first night in Seoul at Kensington, Yeoido, Seoul, which used to be very expensive but on this trip half of what it used to be. Covid messed up even the express Airport bus schedules, because of it, I could not enjoy landing with a heavy luggage on front door, the changed bus line dropped me a quite far way bus station and I had to walk 10 minute w ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
1y ago
양평 이종섭 회장
5월 12 일 소년소녀가장및 장애우 장학금 전당 음악회-주체 한미사랑의 재단- 준비상항 보고 바랍니다. 미국에서 이호제 총제, 한국전 참전 미용사회 202 지부 사무총장 수와이컽 (판문점 대한민국 자유, 평화 수호타가 북괴 총탄에 쓰러져 구사일생 생존 평생불구자됨. 전 아이스케이트 미국 챔피온) 동행할 예정(비행기표 구입란). 한미사랑의 재단 총제 이호제 박사
The post Old memory at Human Rights Award Ceremony appeared first on Korean American Foundation NY ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
1y ago
Global economy is getting in the gutter, as interest rates are sky rocketing in pararell with 10 % high inflation. As interest rates keep rising, debt ratio to government, absolute amount of consumer debt, business debt go up, choking economic growth as total consumption, investment, government expenditure fall. The rising burden of interest rate along with high inflation drastically reduce the value of asset around the world.
Amid the gloomy global economic outlook, Chinese imperialism/militarism opens its big wing to swallow up Taiwan under the slogan of one China policy first, and later exp ..read more
Korean American Foundation NY
1y ago
Reviewing the Final Speech of General Douglas MacArthur that was delivered at West Point before Gen. passed away
It is going to be the 60th anniversary of Gen. MacArthur’s death in April next year. Reviewing his legendary speech in 1962 at the USMA, West point, we are paying more and more respect for his character and for his superior leadership during the II WW and especially during the Korean War. The hero’s poetic speech at the West Point immediately leads us, especially Korean Americans, into tears, every time when we think of our destiny and of our dream to reunite the divided country, an ..read more