Two Bananas
Join Lucy and Zoe as they discuss the day-to-day realities of being British-Chinese women living in the UK. This duo navigates the highs and lows of juggling cultural values, family expectations, and growing up British. This is an honest podcast exploring life as local 'foreigners' trying to bring the best of both worlds to relationships, family, and careers all whilst trying to stay..
Two Bananas
1y ago
With Awards-season in full swing and the Academy Awards fast approaching, Lucy and Zoe discuss one of the most talked about films of the year, 'Everything Everywhere All At Once'. They will be discussing their thoughts on the film including themes they relate to but also, which parts of the film they most enjoyed. From hot-dog fingers to racoons, join them in this episode to discuss the chaos and the deeper messages this film included ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
Hello guys! We're super sorry for our absence over the last 2 weeks. We know how shit we have been and we felt like we really needed to explain ourselves lol. This episode is a bit off the cuff and we thought we would make this episode a bit more casual. Join us as we have a little catch up on life and why we have not been as present as we have wanted to be. This will be our final episode of the season :( - But don't you worry - You can't get rid of us that easy... We will be back and better than ever with season 2! Thank you guys again for listening and we appreciate you all so much!! Love Lu ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
With Chinese New year fast-approaching, Lucy and Zoe are discussing their CNY traditions (some traditional and some not). From food to money and even decorations, they will be delving into all things Lunar New year-related. Join them for this Chinese New year special. Happy Year of the Rabbit ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
In this episode, Lucy and Zoe will be discussing table manners and etiquette in Chinese culture when it comes to eating and eating out. This includes all things from chopstick-use to the lazy Susan and, of course, the all important questions of 'who is getting the bill'?  ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
Lucy and Zoe are exploring stereotypes that Asian people (including themselves) often get stuck with. In this episode, they will be exploring '10 Things Asian People are Tired of hearing' as written by Michelle Elman and will also be adding a few more that they're sick of hearing too.
Link to Michelle's article: https://www.ditchthelabel.org/10-things-asian-people-are-tired-of-hearing ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
Keeping on Love and Relationship theme, Lucy and Zoe will be discussing the topics of love languages and attachment-styles. They will be exploring their own love languages and attachment styles in their relationships as well as understanding more about them in general.  ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
With it having been Valentine's day this week, Lucy and Zoe are discussing all things love and relationships in this week's episode. They will talking about their own relationships and dating/relationships, as well as (the all dreaded) Valentine's day itself. Join them this week as they dive in their own experiences and their thoughts on Valentine's day ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
Merry Christmas everyone! Join Lucy and Zoe in this episode, where they discuss their Christmas traditions with an Asian twist. They will be chatting about Christmas traditions in the UK (including Santa, roast dinners and carol singing) as well as their Chinese-style Christmases (such as red packets and Lobster dinners). Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
Happy Year of the Rabbit! As we have just celebrated Chinese New Year, Lucy and Zoe want to delve into the Chinese Zodiac. They explore the history of the Zodiac, the different animals, and the characteristics of their zodiac signs. Join them as they explore how much they believe in the Chinese Zodiac (horoscope).  ..read more
Two Bananas
1y ago
In this episode, Zoe and Lucy discuss beauty standards in the East versus West and how they differ. They will be discussing topics surrounding make-up, plastic surgery and body shape trends that are popular today but also in times gone past. Some of these topics may be triggering for some listeners ..read more