Newport Beach Christian Counseling
Newport Beach Christian Counseling is an association of licensed professionals, experienced in helping people of all ages experience healing from a wide variety of struggles. It offers compassionate Christian counseling and psychiatric care that respects your faith and values.
Newport Beach Christian Counseling
2w ago
Stress is a natural part of life. No matter how hard a person tries, it is almost impossible to avoid all stress. Social media and technology fuel our technologically advanced world; technology was meant to improve our lives and make things more efficient. However, technology has allotted us so much time that we fit too […]
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Newport Beach Christian Counseling
2w ago
There is a common cultural assumption that women talk more than men. If that is true, it may make going to talk therapy easier for women than men. However, much of that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Therapy for men has many benefits. If it is assumed that girls talk more than boys, perhaps adults spend […]
The post Reasons Men Pursue Counseling and How Therapy for Men Can Help appeared first on Newport Beach Christian Counseling ..read more
Newport Beach Christian Counseling
3w ago
Anger is a normal part of growing up, but chronic uncontrolled anger in children can lead to emotional and physical health issues. Ephesians 4:26 says, “…in your anger do not sin,” which implies that it is okay to feel angry, but you should not let it control your behavior. There are healthy and unhealthy ways […]
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Newport Beach Christian Counseling
3w ago
Understanding ourselves takes a lifetime. It requires introspection, insightful mentors, and constant change. Who we were as children bears similarities to who we were as teens, who we are as adults, and who we will be when we are elderly. There will also be many differences. Our experiences change us. Many just let it happen, […]
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Newport Beach Christian Counseling
1M ago
When facing a challenge, many people think it is essential to face it head-on. Whether a problem at work, a fear you struggle with, an argument with a spouse, or even a medical crisis, there are aspects that you need to see to swiftly. However, very rarely, are these problems so urgent that you cannot […]
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Newport Beach Christian Counseling
3M ago
PTSD affects a person’s mood, physical health, and outlook on life. It can take years to heal , and it affects every aspect of a person’s life. Loved ones can make all the difference in a person’s journey through PTSD, but it’s not always easy to know how to help. Sometimes, we may think we […]
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Newport Beach Christian Counseling
3M ago
Being in the helping profession can be a fulfilling journey. These are the people who meet us at our most vulnerable times and offer to help. It can be a teacher in a class or a first responder coming to the scene of an accident. When we talk of those in the helping professions, they […]
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Newport Beach Christian Counseling
6M ago
Grief and loss come to us all at one point or another in our lives. In those moments, we can find ourselves struggling and without the words to express the deep and complicated emotions and thoughts we’re experiencing. Holding your grief and honoring that experience on one hand, while holding onto trust and hope in […]
The post Grieving and Making Use of Prayers of Lament appeared first on Newport Beach Christian Counseling ..read more
Newport Beach Christian Counseling
6M ago
Sometimes in life, you swing big, and you miss. That’s okay because without taking risks, we wouldn’t be able to accomplish meaningful things. When things don’t go the way you anticipate, however, it can be unhelpful to internalize that failure and tell yourself that you are a failure. Yes, we can fail, but at other […]
The post How to Deal with Guilt and Not Feeling Good Enough appeared first on Newport Beach Christian Counseling ..read more
Newport Beach Christian Counseling
6M ago
One of the constants in life is that change is going to happen. Nothing stays the same for long, and our efforts to force things to remain static will leave us feeling anxious, frustrated, and exhausted. Situations evolve, and living things grow in different and wonderful ways. This means that promotions and job changes happen, […]
The post How to Ease the Process of Moving into a New House for Your Kids appeared first on Newport Beach Christian Counseling ..read more