“The One With Authority”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
9M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Franklin Garcia. “What sort of new teaching is this?” they asked excitedly. “It has such authority! Even evil spirits obey his orders!” Mark 1:28 Today we live in a world where some people are self-proclaimed experts, they express their ideas and bits of advice through social media, and some are self-proclaimed experts in health, politics, sports, and moral issues. Interestingly these people have thousands of followers.  People in Jesus’ time also listened to people who considered themselves experts in different areas, among them were the ..read more
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“The Watchman”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
9M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Caleb Beller. [Eze 3:17 NKJV] 17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore, hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me.” Paul Revere’s famous ride was immortalized in the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem “A Midnight Ride”. “One if by land, two if by sea,” Revere’s role was like the idea of a “watchman.” His late-night ride became famous because of its importance. Critical information at a critical time! Here God is commissioning Ezekiel with this important task. Ezekiel is responsible for relaying ..read more
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“Praise the Lord”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
9M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Franklin Garcia. I love the LORD, because He hears My voice and my pleas. Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live. Psalms 116:1-2 The Psalmist recalls how it was that God delivered him from an impending death and enabled him to have a life of service. He was on the verge of death. His situation was exceedingly difficult, so he cried out to God in a difficult time and the Lord heard him. This Psalm shows us a theological truth about God. He is merciful, compassionate, just, and one who manifests H ..read more
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Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
10M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Caleb Beller. [Jas 4:6 NKJV] 6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” September 2, 1945 General Douglas MacArthur accepted the Japanese surrender from General Yoshijiro Umezu aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. President Truman declared September 2 as the official VJ day. In newspapers across the world that day hundreds of soldiers and civilians were rejoicing together. The word for “resist” literally means “opposite-of”, or “against.” Many see pride as a barrier with our relations ..read more
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“Time is Near”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
10M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Franklin Garcia. “A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.” Isaiah 11:1 God promised that he was going to restore Israel’s kingdom for His people but not so before He dealt with their sin. The nation of Israel was going to be punished for their sin, and the Lord was going to use a pagan nation to accomplish this purpose. After the punishment for their sins the nation was going to look hopeless, the land was going to look like a like a tree that was chopped down, a tree that was burned down, li ..read more
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“Too Young”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
10M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Caleb Beller. [Jer 1:6 NIV] 6 “Alas, Sovereign LORD,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.” Joan of Arc turned a war around at 17! Alexander the great was winning battles at 16! Bobbie Fisher was a Chess Grand Master at 15! Nadia Comaneci is still the youngest person to receive a perfect ten at age 14! Mozart wrote his first symphony at 8! We should not underestimate God’s ability to use young people to impact the world! Commentators estimate Jeremiah’s call when he was about 17 years old. Set in the time of King Josiah who bec ..read more
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“When Our Comfort Zone Gets the Squeeze”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
10M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Franklin Garcia. (1Th 2:17-3:5) Paul faced great distress and adversity in his life, being separated from his brothers in the faith when he wanted to be with them because they were facing persecution. Paul feared that they would depart from their faith because of the adversities they were facing. He tried repeatedly to go back with them, but Satan prevented him. As believers we face adversity in our walk with God, things are not always easy. Sometimes things will not go our way; we may encounter sickness, natural disasters, adversity, rejectio ..read more
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“I’ll Be Back”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
11M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person was written by Pastor Caleb Beller. [2Th 2:1 NKJV] 1 Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, … The phrase, “I’ll be back” has become a part of popular culture since the 1984 movie Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Many of us have tried to recreate the accent and demeanor while walking out the door for work or some random tasks. Paul, throughout his letters to the Thessalonians, uses the term “Parousia” to describe Jesus’ return. In Greek and Roman cultures this suggests the arrival of a ruler at a palac ..read more
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“Don’t Let Criticism Stop You”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
11M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Franklin Garcia. Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there. 2 Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus…but he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. Mark 3:1-6  This is the teaching of Jesus to his disciples and us; difficulties or opposition should not stop us from doing what is right, so we must keep doing what is right in spite of opposition. Criticism is one of the most challenging and uncomfortable situations that we face in our ..read more
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“Pride & the Fall”
Calvary Chapel of Fullerton Blog
by rcathers7
11M ago
This week’s Pastor to Person is written by Pastor Caleb Beller. [Isa 14:14 NKJV] 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ Most of us when we hear the phrase “the fall” think of Genesis and the “fall of man.” While this is a critical part of the gospel story, Isaiah gives us a brief look into another fall, the fall of Lucifer. Jesus is Luke 10:18 says, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” While not much is explicitly described about Satan and his kingdom, his effects can be seen from the beginning of Genesis to his ultimate end in Revelation. P ..read more
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