Identity: Who Am I?
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
2w ago
Knowing who we are in Christ safeguards us from the attacks of the devil and preserves our peace more
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Strength...In Weakness
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
2w ago
Feeling weak, incapable, inept? That can be a good thing more
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CHRISTMAS and its Mysterious Power
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
1M ago
The simple manger scene has the power to transform the hardest heart more
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Thanksgiving: What a Holiday
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
2M ago
The story of Thanksgiving is worth telling your children. Here is a brief version more
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God Knows and Cares
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
2M ago
“Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen; nobody knows but Jesus.” These are the words to an old hymn written two years after the Civil War. The comfort it brought was immeasurable, but the comfort was less about the hymn and more about the Character of God more
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Watchfulness: Stay Alert!
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
3M ago
The devil looks for every opportunity to stumble you and those you love. Let’s stay alert and protect the people around us more
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FAITHFULNESS: How Important Is It?
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
3M ago
Faithful people are hard to find, but once you find one, hold him close. His faithfulness is contagious, and before you know it, others will want to hold you close more
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The More You Know...Is Not the Goal
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
4M ago
The world says, “Knowledge is valuable, and the more knowledgeable you are, the more valuable you are.” But if that’s true, why does God often keep us in the dark more
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Feelings: The Ultimate Authority?
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
4M ago
Feelings are unreliable, and often down-right deceitful. So, why do we listen to them so much more
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Armor of God - Praying Always
Heritage Christian Fellowship Blog
5M ago
Prayer changes our world. Prayer changes you! Everything is better when people pray. Maybe that’s why Jesus taught that, “men ought to always pray more
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