Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
Patrick Martin-Arrowsmith is a respiratory therapist, nutrition coach, scientist, and biohacker, with a profound passion for human health and performance optimization. His experience as a respiratory therapist has given him a deep understanding of the physiology of breathing and the power it can have for human health and performance. To this day he has worked with 1000's clients all over..
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
As a biohackers, I am constantly testing out the newest nutrition, sleep or exercise protocols. I need to place myself in various arenas to test out how the newest method or supplements work.
When it comes to physical stress, I need to place my self in difficult environments. You can’t test much out without significant bodily stress, whether that be physical/mental or both. I have ran difficult marathons, played various sports, and trained with various different focuses such as; HIIT/POWER/STRENGTH/YOGA/FATLOSS/BODY BUILDING.
I generally like to enter events ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
After completing my first strong man competition, I can now say I have a better understanding of the nutrition requirements for strong man.
Above is a picture of my friend Marc @turbo_savage420 - He inspired me to do this comp.
The sport of strong men, is as it sounds, has the requirement for strength. But unlike the often compared sport of powerlifting, it requires more cardiovascular capacity. For that reason, powerlifting, or Olympic lifting are purer displays of strength and power, where as strong man, is like a hybrid sport between CrossFit ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
I have decided to restart my BLOG so I can better convey my journey and passion as a biohacker, and help people along the way. I love what I do, and I want to share what I do so others can benefit as well. I like to help people, all types of people. I want to help people live healthier lives so that my get the most out of their human experience.
My specialization is in sports performance. Much of my practice revolves around being able to optimize peak human performance, but I also really enjoy helping regular individuals improve their health and well being ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
Mike Buying some Udo oil + DHA & Showing off his cool shirt
Lookey here at our local fitness wonder Mike Gagnon! I’ve been following Mike and building his nutrition plans since 2016. The man never ceases to impress and inspire me.
At the ripe age of 70 this seasoned monster trains CrossFit 4 to 5 times a week, and he has recently completed something called a spartan race trifecta, which is completing all 3 grueling spartan obstacle race formats (5 km, 13km and 21km) throughout the course of one year. You receive a piece of the medal upon completion of each race, th ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
Beets: Hell YA! Or ewwww….?!
Some of us love these vibrantly colored roots and some of us despise them… If you like them, you’re in luck, and if you don’t, you better learn to.
Science has been showing that they have some unique health and performance benefits. Regular consumption of beets can have some impressive effects such as reduced body fat, improved recovery from exercise, improved stamina, and improved strength. Asides from all that magic, beets are very nutritious, so even if all the science is wrong with regards to beets’ ability to turn you into Popeye, you won’t be wasting your tim ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
The average omnivore eats about one gram of it per day, through meat and seafood consumption. When doing very high-intensity exercise, your body uses it to make energy rapidly available for your muscles. The liver and kidneys synthesize it to make up for the other gram or two that the body needs daily.
It is creatine: one of the most researched and effective performance-enhancing supplements for improving high-intensity exercise capacity and increasing lean body mass.
Primary action
In the body, creatine is a part of the high-energy system that is active during very intense bouts ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
Welcome to the third installment of “Food Fun, Funds, and Fundamentals,” an ongoing exploration of food preparation, handling, and appreciation. To learn more about the philosophy behind these vignettes, please click here for Series #1, which shines attention on egg and rice selection, while Series #2 centers around maximizing the use of your herbs and spices. This week focuses on an important yet often overlooked aspect of home cooking: food poisoning prevention.
Botulism anyone?
Before opening any canned foods, give the can a quick ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
While a calorie is a calorie, the “burning” of calories (aka food) consumed can be very different.
In the human body, there are two separate systems that break down macronutrients to produce energy, and three different energy systems tailored to the type, intensity, and duration of activity.
Energy Currency
To make use of the three different bioenergetic systems, the body uses one predominant molecule to store and transport the energy: adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Energy is produced when one of the three phosphates from ATP splits off, fueling your movements and warming you up, while a ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
With the coming new year comes new existential dreads. For me, it’s the mortality and well-being of friends and family that fills me with trepidation. While old age can be a blessing, it can be a source of incredible pain when memories and personality begin to permanently fade and warp—a death of the person long before their actual demise. Such is what happens in the context of dementia, with Alzheimer’s being the most well-known cause.
The genetic component
Undoubtedly, Alzheimer’s disease has a genetic component; persons carrying the gene variant APOE-e4 are at higher risk for having Alzheim ..read more
Martin Arrowsmith Biohacking Blog
1y ago
Considered by some as a superfood for its high nutrient density, Spirulina (a blue-green microalgae) has demonstrated uses beyond its nutritive content.
Spirulina seems to improve exercise performance and increase fat oxidation (fat burning), improve oxidative stress in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and may even help treat cold sores!
Allergy Away!
Anyone with seasonal allergies can attest that they are no fun. Allergic rhinitis is characterized by sneezing, itching, congestion, and a runny nose. Who wants that?
Spirulina has demonstrated clinical effectiveness for ..read more