Biohacking Bro's Blog
The Biohacking Bro's Blog features articles, podcasts, videos, and courses on various topics related to biohacking, such as nutrition, fitness, sleep, stress, cognition, longevity, and more.
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
Scott and I are extremely excited to announce what we have been working on for the past 9 months. Scott is a software engineer, and I am a data engineer by trade and we both were very interested in the potential that AI could offer the health and wellness industry. We combined our skillsets and decided to dabble with OpenAI’s open-source models to create an AI coach to help us get in shape. It was really a proof of concept to see if it would work and we were astounded by the results.
We had been following and learning the approach of Robert Sikes, also known as “Keto Savage” and found his phil ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
Lets be honest, last night you probably went to bed with your phone in hand, staring into that bright blue little box. You may have been watching late night TV, working on your computer, or you just had the lights on in your house. Then you rolled into bed, and if you are like most western individuals, you were probably deprived of a truly restful nights sleep. Upon waking, you immediately grabbed that bright blue screen, checking everything you missed from prior night “sleep”. Next, you went to work, school, or sat at your desk, all while being illuminated from the blue light of ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
Over the course of the last six years, I've embarked on a cutting phase at least once a year. Some attempts ended in dismal failure, while others achieved success briefly, only to see me revert to the same habits that initially led me to this knowledge. Nowadays, it seems like everyone has discovered the magic formula, especially the Instagram influencers and coaches who proclaim, "[this] is all you need to do!" However, my experience has taught me that there are actually several essential steps to maximize the results of your cutting phase.
If you were to ask a bodybuilder at your local gym ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
Sucralose is poisonous.
There are some awesome natural supplements you can leverage in place of antibiotics for SIBO.
Prioritizing good gut health will have a huge impact on overall well-being.
The GI-Map is a great test to examine the microbiome.
Battling SIBO
Recently, I've been dealing with a challenging SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) infection. About a month after discovering it, I started feeling much better, but due to some poor dietary choices, it came back strong. I have been super behind on putting this out there because the landscape keeps changing. It h ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
This is the second release in my heavy metals series, if you havent already, please check out the first article from the series
If you ever want to see a truly horrifying epidemic, a visit to an American children's hospital would be nothing short but depressing. Unfortunately, you will find an alarming number of sickly children, their plight united by a common thread: the betrayal of their own immune systems.
Autoimmune disorders, cancer, type one diabetes, obesity, and a host of other afflictions are not only proliferating among the adult populace, but also reaching bewildering numbers in ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
A year ago, if you had told me most chronically ill individuals carried a significant load of toxic metals in them, I cant say I would have been surprised. However, despite tirelessly searching for the root cause of my issues, it wasn’t until January 2023, I began focusing on how heavy metals may be playing a role in my physiology.
After coming across the work of Doctors Chris Shade, Daniel Pompa, and John Lieurance, I felt like I had finally found the missing pieces of the puzzle. These doctors, through their hefty experience with heavy metal toxicity, especially mercury, emphasized the role ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
In 2019, my journey into biohacking began when I stumbled upon Dr. Paul Saladino's appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. Years of battling severe Crohn's disease had driven me to explore "alternative" treatments.
When I discovered the carnivore diet, I was filled with excitement. Having previously experimented with veganism, which turned out to be a detrimental mistake, I understood the significance of a proper diet.
Veganism had taught me the importance of quality food. I realized that factory-farmed products had no place in my life, and I completely eliminated processed junk from m ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
Shortly after 2020, when I underwent a botched colonoscopy resulting in the loss of my colon after battling severe Crohn's disease for nearly 8 years, I reached the end of my rope with conventional medicine. The allopathic healthcare system let me down, leaving me in a worse state than before, burdened with irreversible damage from a colectomy.
Thanks be to God, as this arduous and painful journey propelled me towards embracing alternative medicine. It was during the early stages of my recovery, a few months after the operation, that I fortuitously stumbled upon a remarkable individual named D ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
Methylene Blue was the first synthesized medicine
Initially used for malaria - WWII soliders took MB as a preventative and treatment
On the list of essential medicines from the WHO
Increases ATP production via better oxygen utilization
Combine with light to super charge mitochondria
Methylene Blue, the OG granddaddy of synthesized medicine1, is the epitome of cool when it comes to chemical compounds. Its vibrant blue hue has a mischievous way of leaving its mark on clothes, tongues, and even transforming urine into a Gatorade green spectacle, as if you just stepped out of ..read more
Biohacking Bro's Blog
1y ago
Microcurrent Neurofeedback is a better treatment for anxiety and depression than the medications that are currently being prescribed.
The mechanism of action is sound science for regulating brain activity and neuroplasticity.
It is completely safe, and results occur very quickly (IASIS reports that most patients notice results within the first few sessions).
IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback is a non-invasive treatment that uses low levels of electrical currents to stimulate the brain and help it reorganize itself. During a session, electrodes are placed on the scalp to mo ..read more