What Is Biohacking? An Updated Definition For Biohacking
Dave McCusker Blog
by Dave McCusker
1y ago
Defining What It Means To Be A Biohacker So what exactly is biohacking? Or more appropriately how do I purposely define biohacking to fit into my particular worldview? A definition I believe which more closely aligns with how the word is commonly interpreted today. As you will see in this post there are some wildly different interpretations and definitions of what biohacking is. And thus, what it means to be a biohacker.   Dictionary Definitions That Are Out Of Touch For example, according to the Oxford dictionary biohacking is defined as:  Biohacking (noun): “The activity of ..read more
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The Benefits of Inversion Therapy for Back Pain & More
Dave McCusker Blog
by Dave McCusker
1y ago
This post was originally just going to be about how useful I found Gravity Boots as a useful remedy for low back pain. Which they are, but I found that a lot of additional contexts was needed. So to begin, I need to explain why I found the need to use them in the first place. I’ll then discuss inversion therapy benefits, types of inversion therapy, and my own experience with it. My Diagnosis of Degenerative Disc Disease X-Ray of my desiccated and bulging L4 & L5 discs   At 25 years old I began to develop severe low back pain. After stubbornly dealing with the pain as it progressiv ..read more
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The Top 15 Best Subreddits for Biohackers to Follow in 2023
Dave McCusker Blog
by Dave McCusker
1y ago
Reddit, commonly referred to as “the front page of the Internet”, is the world’s largest and most visited Internet forum site. With well over a  million subreddits there is a dedicated forum for practically every niche. There are some real gems for intelligent conversations around the topics and subtopics of biohacking between the various meme and political echo chamber boards.  Here are the best subreddits to follow based on activity and quality of content and discussion of biohacking, human optimization, health sciences, and more!  Listed in Alphabetical order: 1. r/Bec ..read more
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Why Take Colder Showers? (Cold Shower Benefits)
Dave McCusker Blog
by Dave McCusker
1y ago
Cold showers are uncomfortable, I don’t want to be uncomfortable, why am I doing this again? -The voice in my head That is the message coming from the resistance in my head everytime I reach to turn the knob from hot to cold. I’ve been taking some form of cold showers daily for around 3 years now and that voice has never gone away. I have had to consciously face and overcome that resistance daily. Some days it’s a real battle, but with the knowing that it will ultimately be good for me I have developed the discipline to win every single time. That development of discipline to face discom ..read more
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Box Breathing: a Simple Biohack to Quickly Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Dave McCusker Blog
by Dave McCusker
1y ago
Ever found yourself in a stressful situation where you needed to relax to perform at your best? If so, next time you catch yourself feeling overly stressed try Box Breathing! Using this biohack is a quick way to calm nerves and regulate your nervous system. What is Box Breathing? Box Breathing is a 4 part breathing technique and an easy biohack to reset your breathing rhythm, reduce stress, and relieve anxiety. This reset can allow us to consciously exit out of the fight-or-flight mode. The state we fall automatically into when our sympathetic portion of our autonomic nervous system is trigg ..read more
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Hugs: The Biohack You Didn’t Know You Needed More Of
Dave McCusker Blog
by Dave McCusker
1y ago
"We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth." -Virginia Satir These are the words of the renowned Family Therapist Dr. Virginia Satir. Personally, I don’t think that quote could be any truer. Especially considering I recently returned from my first Fit For Service Fellowship Summit where I exchanged copious amounts of heart-to-heart hugs with a hug-loving tribe of 150 people. I’ll save sharing my full experience of that summit for another post. I will remark, though, that in addition to the swapping of hundreds of a ..read more
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Lumenate Review; An iPhone app that can induce a deep meditative & psychedelic trip like experience
Dave McCusker Blog
by Dave McCusker
1y ago
Photo credit: https://lumenategrowth.com/about/ I was recently introduced to a new smartphone app (launched March 2nd, 2021) called Lumenate . The app claims to induce altered states of consciousness using just light and sound produced from your phone. Measurably changing the brain’s rhythms to produce an experience that the app creators claim ‘guide your brain into a unique and powerful altered state of consciousness between that of deep meditation and classic psychedelics.’ The apps premise is not necessarily a new concept, the measurable effects of stroboscopic light flashes have been st ..read more
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