22. Non-Luminosity (iv) The Three Delicate Marks
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
2w ago
Pending The post 22. Non-Luminosity (iv) The Three Delicate Marks first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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21. Non-Luminosity (iii)- The Conscious Quantum Realm
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
1M ago
This post compares non-luminosity with what quantum mechanics call the quantum realm. The conclusion from the comparison is that Buddha’s non-luminosity is equivalent to the... The post 21. Non-Luminosity (iii)- The Conscious Quantum Realm first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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20. Non-Luminosity (iii) Buddha’s Particle Physics
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
1M ago
If you have not yet been impressed with the power of Buddha’s direct perception method that allowed him and others to be enlightened and understand... The post 20. Non-Luminosity (iii) Buddha’s Particle Physics first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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19. Non-luminosity (i) Epiphenomena – Where Buddhism and Quantum Mechanics Meet
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
1M ago
Having discussed the Ultimate Reality, we discuss the second realm of reality in Buddha’s three-body cosmos, known as non-luminosity. Together, the Ultimate Reality and non-luminosity... The post 19. Non-luminosity (i) Epiphenomena – Where Buddhism and Quantum Mechanics Meet first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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18. The Cosmic Awareness and the Nature of All Beings
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
2M ago
Pending, next. The post 18. The Cosmic Awareness and the Nature of All Beings first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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17. Citta (iii) The Expanding Mentality of the Cosmos
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
2M ago
In this post, we discuss the relationship between Citta, the quiescent mentality of the Ultimate Reality, and dark energy in science by examining the expansion... The post 17. Citta (iii) The Expanding Mentality of the Cosmos first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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16. Citta (iii) Emptiness
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
2M ago
Emptiness is important in Buddhism because it is involved in both stages of enlightenment, separated by the Two Obstacles Buddha teaches. Let’s first define the... The post 16. Citta (iii) Emptiness first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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15. Citta (ii) Enlightened and Luminous
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
2M ago
In this post, we discuss the relationship between Citta and enlightenment. Astasahasrika-Prajnaparamita (道行般若波羅蜜經), “is a Mahāyāna Buddhist sūtra in the category of Prajñāpāramitā sūtra literature.... The post 15. Citta (ii) Enlightened and Luminous first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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14. Citta (i): The Ultimate Reality
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
2M ago
In this post, we discuss Buddha’s teaching on Ultimate Reality. Let’s start with the Romanized Sanskrit terms for the two concepts to be discussed.   Citta... The post 14. Citta (i): The Ultimate Reality first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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16. Citta (iii) The First Principle of Truth
Decoding Buddha's Cognitive Universe
by Sahaloka Traveller 娑婆遊者
2M ago
In this post, we discuss the relationship between Citta and truth. What is a truth? On dictionary.com, the three top definitions of “truth” are: “the true or... The post 16. Citta (iii) The First Principle of Truth first appeared on Nothing But Mentality ..read more
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