Support Services and Seeking Help
Behind the Doors of Domestic Violence
by Queensland Police Service
1y ago
Taking the first step towards getting help can be overwhelming. Acting Inspector Lee Wyld (OIC North Brisbane District Domestic, Family Violence & Vulnerable Persons Unit) and Michelle Royes of DVConnect discuss the domestic and family violence related supports available through police initiated referrals to external services such as Queensland's 24/7 DFV support service DV Connect. Content warning: This podcast contains descriptions of domestic and family violence that listeners may find confronting, challenging or triggering. Stop and take a break at any time and reach out for support if more
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The Mindset of a Perpetrator
Behind the Doors of Domestic Violence
by Queensland Police Service
1y ago
With over twenty years’ experience in the domestic violence sector, Brian Sullivan provides an insight into the mindset of an offender and violence used to dominate and control victim survivors within relationships. Leaning on his work with perpetrators as a facilitator of men’s programs and his PhD research exploring the effectiveness of court-mandated programs for male DV offenders, this episode will help listeners identify the warning signs and encourage reflection of people's own behaviour to promote change, as well as act as a reminder that while our general focus is rightly on victims, t more
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Police Response and Interventions
Behind the Doors of Domestic Violence
by Queensland Police Service
1y ago
Sergeant Chris Cronin of Mount Morgan Station and Brisbane Domestic and Family Violence Co-ordinator Sergeant Sharon Morgan come together to enhance the knowledge of the broader public in police response to DFV, discussing domestic and family violence intervention strategies and Police initiatives. Leaning on both their first-hand experiences and as experienced police officers, this episode showcases effective initiatives including private rooms and victim-centric trauma informed practices. Content warning: This podcast contains descriptions of domestic and family violence that listeners may f more
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Lived Experience
Behind the Doors of Domestic Violence
by Queensland Police Service
1y ago
Jo Mason is a survivor who left her relationship after five years. Dave Kramer lost his best friend, Hannah Clarke, in a way that shook the country. Delving into the lived experience, Jo Mason and Dave Kramer share their experiences and learnings from the survivor and bystander perspectives. This episode aims to eliminate stereotypes of domestic and family violence by demonstrating its non-discriminatory nature, discussing the warning signs and raise awareness of the various forms domestic and family violence can take, arming bystanders and victims with the tools for identifying unhealthy and more
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