Conquering Death: Heaven's Journey Into Now and Forever
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
7M ago
From the moment we are birthed into this world, our bodies immediately decay on the cellular level. The hourglass gets flipped over, emptying our beach of choices and memories until it all hits the bottom as planned by God. The lights of this world go out, and a glimmer of a new light can be seen in the distance. That light is the source of creation and the answer to perception-altering questions accumulated over a lifetime. Once God turns His hourglass upside down for each creation, we pass the starting point of life toward the finish line that takes our last breath away. All creation called more
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Keeping Christ at the Center of Christmas | Keep God in Life
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
9M ago
Eating cookies, sitting by the fire, and opening presents sure is fun, and spending time with good friends and family makes it one of the most looked-forward to days of the year. But as Christians, how can we have all this fun and still make sure Christ is the hub of our Christmas experience? Here's 10 ways to keep Christ at the center of your family's Christmas celebration. 1. Read the Christmas story in the Bible with your family The simplest place to start, and an important foundation for your family's knowledge on the birth of Christ. Matthew 1:18-2:23 and Luke 2:1-20 both document th more
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What the Bible Says About Birthdays | Keep God in Life
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
10M ago
In the Bible, there is nothing indicating whether we should or should not celebrate birthdays; there is nothing prohibiting it and nothing requiring it. There are, however, two examples of individuals celebrating birthdays: King Pharaoh in the time of Joseph, and King Herod in the time of Jesus. Here are the verses: On the third day, which was Pharaoh’s birthday, he made a feast for all his servants and lifted up the head of the chief cupbearer and the head of the chief baker among his servants. - Genesis 40:20 But an opportunity came when Herod on his birthday gave a banquet for his nobl more
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Using Prayer Cards for Bible Study
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
11M ago
Would prayer and Bible study be easier for you with a list of prayer prompts? These prayer cards are one of my favorite things for Bible study. Why? They're sturdy, scriptural, simple, and useful! Here's a few benefits of using prayer cards. 1. You can pray right off the card itself! These cards will include Bible verses and or prayers for you to read. 2. They offer different ways to pray that you may have never thought of. 3. Prayer cards teach you to pray the Word of the Lord right back to Christ. What's better than a card that literally shows you how to pray? Soon you'll find yourself more
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Ten Christian Halloween Costume Ideas | Keep God in Life
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
1y ago
A wise Max Lucado once said, “In God’s hands intended evil becomes eventual good.” This holds true for Halloween. A holiday with roots in Paganism can be utilized by you as a day to shine the light of Jesus. Think about it this way: what other day of the year do you see so many of your neighbors? If you live in town, you're likely knocking on doors going trick-or-treating with your kids, or they're knocking on yours! October 31 brings out a unique opportunity for Christians to spread God's love and His word, so here are ten Christian Halloween costume ideas that are sure to spark conversa more
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What Does the Mustard Seed Represent in the Bible? Keep God in Life
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
1y ago
The mustard seed is a symbol holding great significance in the Bible. The tiny seed represents growth that's able to take place in our life through having faith in Jesus Christ.  "For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20-21). The powerful metaphor of a mustard seed originates from the amazing transformation of one tiny seed into a fully grown, robust, and thriving tree. Tall it stands, unyielding to the forces around it.  The m more
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Christian Jewelry for a First Date
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
1y ago
Most people do a little dressing up on a first date- you dress to impress! Some people like to add in some jewelry to add the finishing touch to their outfit, and Christians may want to show where they stand and keep God with them as they get to know their date. Here's some inspiration for subtle signs of God you can wear on your next date.  Sterling Silver Wire Cross Pendant Simple, elegant, and goes with every outfit. Show your faith in a meaningful way without wearing something too big or bold. Two-Tone Nail Cross The perfect match for gold or silver jewelry, this two-tone cross neck more
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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? | Keep God in Life
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
1y ago
Around the globe, October brings brilliant colors of orange, pumpkins, and of course, spooky season - Halloween. People celebrate the cool of fall and vibrant colors it brings with. Celebrations of Halloween spark creativity in costume creations, trick-or-treating, and lots of candy. However, many Christians wonder, should we celebrate Halloween? Isn't it the holiday of the devil? In this article, I hope to clear up some confusion and help you figure out where Christianity stands with this holiday. So should Christians participate in Halloween festivities? The answer, well, it depends. God des more
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Why is Scripture Important? | Keep God in Life
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
1y ago
Ah Scripture. It's our lifeline to the Lord. What better way to spend time building your faith than reading the good Word? Whether it's reading about His life, parables, or lessons that can be learned, the Bible is full of wisdom. Here's a few insights to take away from why Scripture is important.  1. God is good. Scriptures allow us to recognize that, even if it may be difficult in our day to day lives. There is a level of kindness and mercy in God and it can only be seen in the Bible. 2. Life is hard. Life isn't an easy road for any of us, and there's definitely no roadmap. We all go th more
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Why Should I Wear a Cross? | Keep God in Life
Keep God in Life
by Bryson Bernarde
1y ago
Jewelry trends change with time, and these days styles lean toward subtle and minimalist. Wearing a cross can come off as forward or flashy, and some might be concerned about showing off their faith and throwing themselves into opportunities of judgement or questioning. So why should you wear a cross necklace? It's a personal symbol.  Yes, people will see the cross and assume you are a Christian, but wearing a cross is more about why you are wearing it, and not about hoping someone will notice. Wearing a cross is a symbol of righteousness and discipleship. The wearer is committed to more
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