A Mountain of Pride: Edom's End
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Bobby Parker
2d ago
This sibling rivalry got way out of hand. Learn about the disastrous consequences of Edom's pride and the certainty of God's justice ..read more
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The King and Sinners
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Pastor Scott Allen
1w ago
Jesus came not to call the righteous, but sinners (like me and you ..read more
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The King and the Demons
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Pastor Scott Allen
3w ago
“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.” (CS Lewis) This story takes us between those two ditches by calling us to be aware of the enemy and his schemes, and to be in awe of the Son of God, who came to “destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8 ..read more
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God's New Garden
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Riley Neal
1M ago
Facing exile because of their sin, the people of Israel are left asking, "is there any way God can redeem this disaster?" In response, God shows them a vision of a glorious future where he will deal with their sin and bring flourishing once more ..read more
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Blessed are the Uncomfortable
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Riley Neal
1M ago
All too easily, humans can twist religion into something aimed at serving our comfort, cravings, and convenience. That’s the temptation that Amos called Israel out for, and it's a temptation we have to be on guard against today ..read more
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Justice out there vs. Justice in here
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Riley Neal
1M ago
We all love poetic justice—when it happens to someone else. But Amos wants us to realize that God's true justice implicates each and every one of us ..read more
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The King and The Terms of Discipleship
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Pastor Scott Allen
1M ago
Is Jesus enough ..read more
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The King, the Woman, and Many More
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Pastor Scott Allen
2M ago
Matthew draws our attention to Jesus' interaction with Peter's mother-in-law, as well as many who are oppressed by demons and sick. What does this section add to the portrait of the person and work of Christ that Matthew is painting for us? And how should we respond ..read more
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The King and the Centurion
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Pastor Scott Allen
2M ago
After showing us Jesus' compassion for an outcast, Matthew now highlights Jesus' care for an oppressor. How does the Centurion's faith and Jesus' response shape our view of the King and His kingdom ..read more
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The King and the Leper
Fellowship Church Louisville
by Pastor Scott Allen
3M ago
After His authoritative teaching in the sermon on the mount, King Jesus now displays His authority through many miracles. First up? A leper who is cleansed physically, socially, religiously, spiritually, and eschatologically ..read more
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