The Walls That Divide Us (Ephesians 2:11-22)
Douglass Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
2d ago
Translation: “Bad Wall” In the face of God, I see one who prefers to tear down walls rather than maintain them, the one who calls to us from near at hand rather than keeping us far off. In the face of God, I can see one who is not satisfied with the distance that separates us, the distance that keeps us suspicious of and hostile toward one another—but who seeks to reconcile us, to stand among us, to bring us near enough to see one another's faces. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc more
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Being Weak (2 Cor. 12:2-10)
Douglass Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
2d ago
As long as we think that what we have, who we are, and what we’ve endured depend solely upon our initiative and the strength of our own determination and courage, we wind up flailing about, convinced we can do God’s work better than God. Whenever we start thinking it’s about us, we lose the ability to offer ourselves to the world as a fragrant offering of love and sacrifice. It’s not until we let go of the idea that something native to our own virtue is what allows us to become the people God wants us to be that we’ll ever be able to taste the life God has in store for us. Subscribe to us on more
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Finding Hope in the Midst of Failure (Mark 6:1-13)
Douglass Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
2w ago
But in the face of failure, Jesus isn’t waiting around. He’s already headed out to the villages to continue doing what God sent him to do. And he’s not content to do it alone. He sends his followers back out into what must have felt like a hostile world to continue the work they’d already been rejected for. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc more
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If It Sounds Too Good to Be True... (Mark 5:21-43)
Douglass Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
2w ago
In the face of a scoffing world, Jesus demonstrates his faith in God’s willingness to snatch life from the jaws of death by ... acting faithfully. Jesus sees the woman and the young girl through the eyes of God and God’s idea of who’s valuable and who’s worth taking a chance on. In the woman who’s been dead in so many crucial ways for twelve years and in the twelve-year-old girl who’s also now dead, God sees the possibilities no one else can see. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc more
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The Economy of God (1 Samuel 15:34-16:13)
Douglass Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
1M ago
In the economy of God, the new creation holds a special place for the powerless, the stepped-on, and the least likely candidates to be social media influencers. In a strange and seemingly indefensible administrative move, God throws out the HR manual and starts employing the ones who show up to the interview in flip-flops and shorts. And it’s almost never flashy, but it can leave ripples in the pond that seem to go on forever. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc more
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The Courage to Be Disliked (Mark 3:20-35)
Douglass Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
1M ago
Christianity, for too many people today, means “saving souls for Jesus” while often despising those same souls until they have the decency and good sense to become more like you. But start living like Jesus—challenging the systems that keep only a handful fat and happy, hanging out with people who’ve been forced to live in the shadows to avoid being trampled by the religious folks who otherwise have contempt for them—and the wrath of the self-righteous will fall on you like Bull Connor’s billy club. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc more
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For the Common Good (1 Corinthians 12:3b-13)
Douglass Church - Douglass Blvd Christian Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
1M ago
The body of Christ is principally concerned with embodying the kind of just community that announces the reign of God to a world that needs a great cosmic cleanup of the mess humans have made of things. Now, if I get blessed in the process—then that’s wonderful. And as difficult as that is for me personally to swallow, the church isn’t just here to bless me; I’m here to bless the world by participating in the beloved community and adding my gifts to the mix … for the common good. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc more
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When Knowing Isn’t Enough (Acts 1:1-11)
Douglass Church - Douglass Blvd Christian Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
2M ago
True knowledge of God is always proportional to our willingness to live faithfully as witnesses of God’s faithfulness to us. True belief is never an end in itself. We concern ourselves with believing the right things not so we can have the satisfaction of being right but so that our actions will be rightly directed. Actually living what we know and what we say we believe is the real point. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc more
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The Wind Again Blows
Douglass Church - Douglass Blvd Christian Church
2M ago
God comes to us and says, 'There are some folks who need my love and compassion. I want you to go to them. I want you to love them for me.' 'Which folks?' 'All my children. You know who I’m talking about, the ones no respectable church wants. The ones who’ve been systematically told they’re not welcome. The ones who don’t have anybody to speak up for them. Don’t talk right. Don’t dress right. Don’t have the right kind of money. Don’t live in the right part of town. Don’t love the right person. Don’t have the right skin color. I want you to go to them.' Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text more
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Not Quite Getting It (Mark 11:1-11)
Douglass Church - Douglass Blvd Christian Church
by (DBCC), Derek Penwell
2M ago
So, when Jesus arrived on the scene, Palestine was desperate for another messiah, a hero, someone to rally the oppressed locals to finally kick the Roman interlopers out of Palestine. They needed, in short, a messiah acquainted with the business end of a sword. I suspect you can imagine that when Jesus starts talking about humiliation and death as his vision of messiahship, how it is that so many people completely fail to hear him. They didn’t quite get it. Subscribe to us on iTunes! Sermon text: web | doc more
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