Our Kingly Hope
Covenant Naples
4d ago
This morning, I want to turn our attention to Psalm 2. As many of you know, Psalm 2 is a companion to Psalm 1. Together, they introduce us to the Psalter giving us two checkpoints. Psalm 1 directs us in the way of discipleship of living God. He is our shepherd. We are his sheep. Have we planted ourselves firmly in the stream of living water and in the company of the righteous that we might enjoy the blessed life? By contrast, Psalm 2, which is, by the way, among the most quoted Psalms in the New Testament, steps back and considers the bigger picture. Why is that? No surprises here, but the wo ..read more
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The God of Wonders
Covenant Naples
by Trent Casto
1w ago
When facing impossible situations, our greatest need is not clarity, but trust in the unfailing love of God. Sermon Outline: I. Following God will bring us to impossible situations. II. God intends impossible situations for our good. III. God rewards trust in impossible situations. Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. Share a time when you had to step forward in faith without knowing all the details. What was challenging about that experience, and how did God provide? 2. Impossible situations (or seemingly impossible ones) are opportunities for faith growth. What seemingly “impossible” situation ..read more
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Our Time
Covenant Naples
by David Nelms
2w ago
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An Unlikely Story
Covenant Naples
by Trent Casto
3w ago
The people we are most inclined to write off, God is most delighted to write in. How should that change our view of such people? In this unlikely story, we’re going to consider an unlikely hero, an unlikely theologian, and an unlikely salvation. Sermon Outline: I. An Unlikely Hero II. An Unlikely Theologian III. An Unlikely Salvation Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. The sermon describes Rahab as “exactly the kind of person who deserves the judgment God will bring” yet also “exactly the kind of person upon whom God loves to shower his grace.” How does this challenge your own views about who ca ..read more
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In Pursuit of Rest
Covenant Naples
by Trent Casto
1M ago
In this passage, we see how the people of Israel were prepared by Joshua to enter into the rest promised to them and also learn from it how we may enter into the rest promised to all who believe. Sermon Outline: I. Entering God’s Rest Calls for Active Response. II. Entering God’s Rest Calls for Community Support. III. Entering God’s Rest Calls for Wholehearted Surrender. Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. Merle Haggard described his lifelong sense of restlessness. How do you relate to this feeling in your own life? Where have you looked for rest apart from Jesus? 2. The passage emphasizes that ..read more
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Be Strong and Courageous
Covenant Naples
by Trent Casto
1M ago
The call to be strong and courageous recurs frequently in the Old Testament. The reason is because obeying God is frequently difficult and scary! That’s not just true in Joshua’s day, but ours as well. So, where do the strength and courage to obey God come from? Sermon Outline: I. Be strong and courageous because you have a God-given mission to accomplish II. Be strong and courageous because you have a life-giving path to walk III. Be strong and courageous because you have a promise-keeping God to trust Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. Why does following God's commands often require courage ..read more
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Set Your Mind on Heaven
Covenant Naples
by James Baird
1M ago
It's that time of year again! What are your resolutions for 2025? This Sunday, we will explore how the apostle Paul might answer this question. He would tell us to set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth (Col. 3:2). But what does that mean? And how do we live out this biblical principle in our daily lives? Come Sunday to find out! Questions: 1. What are some New Year's resolutions that you've done in the past? Why did you pick those? 2. Why do you think it's so hard to set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth? 3. Why do you think ..read more
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The Hope of a King
Covenant Naples
by Chuck Betters
1M ago
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The Hope of a Prince
Covenant Naples
by Brent Whitefield
2M ago
Chapter 9 of Isaiah was written to give hope to the oppressed people of Israel. It can also be a tremendous encouragement to the believer who has fixed their hope securely on Jesus. Indeed, the rulership of Christ, in the present and future kingdom of God, is the surest foundation of hope for the Christian. Questions: 1, Isaiah tells us that “the people who walk in darkness will see a great light.” What are other places in Scripture where we see light and darkness contrasted? 2. It seems clear that Satan is the ruler of aspects of our world, but yet God is in control. What evidence do we have ..read more
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Hope in the Lord
Covenant Naples
by Brent Whitefield
2M ago
In 735 BC, God’s people struggled to believe he was with them in times of trouble. We have the same struggle. It’s not that we struggle to believe that God exists; rather, we struggle to believe that he matters. As we face tremendous challenges and troubles in this world, what does it look like to push back on our unbelief and set our hope in the Lord? Sermon Outline: I. God is with us, therefore our enemies will not prevail over us. II. God is with us, therefore we should fear only him. III. God is with us, therefore we should rely on his word. Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you thi ..read more
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