The Venture Church Podcast
Welcome to the weekly podcast of Venture Church in sunny Naples, FL.
The Venture Church Podcast
2M ago
The Christmas story is more than a tale of a baby in a manger; it's a profound narrative of redemption and grace. Jesus' genealogy, including flawed individuals like Tamar and Rahab, underscores that He came to save sinners. This lineage highlights God's use of broken people to fulfill His purposes, reminding us to embrace His grace and extend it to others ..read more
The Venture Church Podcast
3M ago
King Herod's life is a blend of remarkable achievements and profound evil. Appointed King of the Jews by the Roman Senate, Herod's reign was marked by grand architectural projects and ruthless actions. His story teaches us to find our identity in Christ, prioritize family over vocation, and build a godly legacy. Reflect on your own life: Are you finding worth in Jesus, investing in your family, and building a legacy that honors God ..read more
The Venture Church Podcast
3M ago
The story of Judas Iscariot serves as a powerful reminder of the true cost of following Jesus. Despite being close to Jesus, Judas chose to betray Him for 30 pieces of silver, highlighting that money cannot buy happiness, fill the void in our lives, or bring lasting contentment. This message challenges us to examine our hearts and motives, ensuring we prioritize our relationship with Jesus over material wealth. Reflect on your relationship with money and make changes that reflect a heart devoted to Christ ..read more
The Venture Church Podcast
3M ago
Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, is a notorious figure in biblical history known for her manipulation, idolatry, and murder. Her influence led to the promotion of Baal worship and the moral decay of Israel. The story of Naboth's vineyard highlights her ruthless nature, as she orchestrated Naboth's unjust execution. Ultimately, divine judgment fell upon Jezebel and Ahab, serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of ungodly decisions. Reflect on how you use your influence and make decisions that align with God's will ..read more
The Venture Church Podcast
3M ago
The Pharisees and Sadducees were religious leaders often condemned by Jesus for their hypocrisy. The Pharisees focused on external righteousness and legalism, while the Sadducees prioritized political power and denied spiritual truths. Jesus criticized them for their misuse of scripture and lack of genuine devotion to God. Their actions serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of hypocrisy and the importance of embracing grace over legalism ..read more
The Venture Church Podcast
4M ago
Cain, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, worked as a farmer while his brother Abel was a shepherd. Both were expected to worship God and bring offerings. However, God favored Abel's offering of the best portions of his flock over Cain's offering of fruits from the soil. This rejection led to Cain's anger and the eventual murder of Abel. The story highlights several key lessons: the importance of worshiping God with a pure heart, the dangers of uncontrolled anger, and the significant consequences of our choices. God warned Cain about sin's desire to control him, but Cain chose to act on his ang ..read more
The Venture Church Podcast
4M ago
In this sermon, we delve into the role of Satan, the original villain of the Bible. Known by many names, Satan was once a beautiful angel named Lucifer who fell from grace due to pride. His primary tactic is deception, making sin appear attractive. Today, Satan seeks to destroy faith and families, using tools like addiction and shame. To resist him, we must flee from temptation, draw near to God, and engage in spiritual warfare, relying on Jesus' victory on the cross ..read more
The Venture Church Podcast
4M ago
Mary Magdalene's life is a testament to the transformative power of Jesus. Once demon-possessed, she was healed by Jesus and became a devoted follower, present at His crucifixion and resurrection. Her story teaches us that no one is beyond Jesus' reach, the importance of supporting ministry, and the courage to share our faith. Reflect on your own transformation, support your church, and boldly share your testimony ..read more
The Venture Church Podcast
4M ago
Exploring the depths of God's love, this message draws from Ephesians 3, highlighting Paul's transformation and his teachings on being rooted in love. It emphasizes the importance of understanding our identity as God's children and the 'dunamis' power within us. The sermon encourages a shift from head knowledge to heart knowledge of God's love, using the parable of the lion among sheep to illustrate our spiritual journey ..read more