Piano for Retirees
Welcome to you all! I've been a piano teacher for a long time now and I've frequently had adults tell me that they wish they'd had the opportunity to learn the piano when they were a kid. So, if you need a little encouragement or need some practical information about playing or learning the piano in retirement, then you are in the right place. My hope is that this blog will be a..
Piano for Retirees
2d ago
I saw a very interesting video on YouTube called “13 Years of Advice in 11 Minutes” by a channel called Easy Fast Piano. Basically, the premise for this video is what this person wished he had known when he started to learn to play the piano. In the video, the presenter makes 5 main points.. ... Read more
The post “13 Years of Advice in 11 minutes” video on YouTube first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
4d ago
An arpeggio can be described as using the notes of a chord, played one after the other, in order, either going higher or lower. So really it is like playing a chord, with one note played at a time. This is slightly different to what are commonly thought of as scales, where you are playing ... Read more
The post What is an Arpeggio and Why You Should Practice Them first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
1w ago
Just like a lot of things, music stores have moved on line or closed down entirely. Gone are the days (apart from the odd exception), where music stores existed in a shop front and you could physically look at a lot of music and be able to go to the piano in the store and ... Read more
The post Choosing Sheet Music first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
1w ago
So you have decide to learn to play the piano and you understand that if you are going to make any progress you are going to have to practice. Sometimes though it can be hard to find the time to practice – even in retirement. Household chores still need to be done and bills still ... Read more
The post Having a Routine is Best for Piano Practice first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
1w ago
While I spend a lot of time talking about retirees who want to learn to play the piano, I don’t often talk about those retirees who want to learn to play the piano again. I’m talking about those people who learned to play the piano when they were young and then for whatever reason they get ... Read more
The post What Happens if We Haven’t Played the Piano in Years first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
2w ago
If you have been following along with my blog, you have probably become aware that I discuss classical piano music frequently. I also discuss modern or pop music frequently as well. When it comes to jazz piano music, I have really only mentioned it in passing. The reason why I have done this, is because ... Read more
The post Why I Don’t Discuss Jazz Music Much first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
2w ago
Looking after an acoustic piano, is not hard at all. There are a few things that will make such a difference to keeping your piano in tip top condition, as well as assisting with maintaining the tuning. In some ways, I think an acoustic piano, is much like a fussy pet – you have to ... Read more
The post How to Look After an Acoustic Piano first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
2w ago
Some days it can feel a bit blah and the motivation could be missing entirely, so you don’t actually feel like practicing. First of all, we have all been there. I certainly remember as a kid that there would be days I didn’t feel like practicing at all. You are not alone in your motivation. ... Read more
The post What To Do If You Have No Motivation To Practice first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
3w ago
I make no secret that I am very much a classically trained piano teacher and that playing classical music for my own personal amusement, is what I prefer. I have also made no secret about my opinion is that the best genre of music that you should learn, is the one that most interests you. ... Read more
The post Finding Classical Piano Tuition Online first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more
Piano for Retirees
3w ago
In music, there is two ways of expressing chords. The first is to put the notes together on a musical stave, so essential you are reading musical notation. The second way, which is very popular, especially among those who can’t read music , is to use a system of letters, numbers, and sharp, flat and ... Read more
The post How Chords Are Labeled first appeared on Piano for Retirees ..read more