Office Party Surprise: How Laughter Sparked True Friendship
Fluent Fiction - Italian
17h ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Office Party Surprise: How Laughter Sparked True Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: Luca osservava nervosamente. En: Luca watched nervously. It: Colorate decorazioni riempivano l'ufficio. En: Colorful decorations filled the office. It: Palloncini, festoni e tavoli pieni di cibo e bevande. En: Balloons, streamers, and tables full of food and drinks. It: Era la festa estiva dell'ufficio e tutto doveva essere perfetto. En: It was t more
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Discovering Hidden Gems: Luca's First Journey Abroad
Fluent Fiction - Italian
3d ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Discovering Hidden Gems: Luca's First Journey Abroad Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: Luca non riusciva a trattenere l'eccitazione. En: Luca couldn't contain his excitement. It: Il sole estivo splendeva forte sul tetto del Rome Fiumicino International Airport, e una fresca brezza marina sfiorava il suo viso. En: The summer sun shone brightly on the roof of Rome Fiumicino International Airport, and a fresh sea breeze brushed his face. It: Era il s more
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From Ruins to Dreams: A Journey of Love and New Beginnings
Fluent Fiction - Italian
4d ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: From Ruins to Dreams: A Journey of Love and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: Lorenzo camminava lentamente tra le antiche rovine di Roma sotto il sole cocente d'estate. En: Lorenzo walked slowly through the ancient ruins of Rome under the scorching summer sun. It: Gli occhi osservavano la grande bellezza del Colosseo, ma il cuore cercava qualcosa di più. En: His eyes took in the great beauty of the Colosseum, but his heart sou more
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Adventure and Art: A Journey Through the Uffizi Gallery
Fluent Fiction - Italian
6d ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Adventure and Art: A Journey Through the Uffizi Gallery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: L'aria calda dell'estate fiorentina si mescolava con l'eccitazione nell'aria. En: The warm air of the Florentine summer mixed with the excitement in the atmosphere. It: Alessandro camminava con passo deciso verso l'ingresso della Galleria degli Uffizi, con sua sorella Bianca e la sua amica Claudia al fianco. En: Alessandro walked with a determined step tow more
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Mysterious Note at Leaning Tower Unravels Forgotten Secrets
Fluent Fiction - Italian
1w ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Mysterious Note at Leaning Tower Unravels Forgotten Secrets Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: Il sole estivo splendeva caldo sulla vivace Piazza dei Miracoli, dove turisti curiosi andavano e venivano sotto l'occhio vigile della Torre Pendente di Pisa. En: The summer sun shone warmly over the lively Piazza dei Miracoli, where curious tourists came and went under the watchful eye of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It: Lorenzo, una guida turistica more
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Crisis in the Secret Lab: A Tale of Danger and Discovery
Fluent Fiction - Italian
1w ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Crisis in the Secret Lab: A Tale of Danger and Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: Nel cuore dell'estate, in un laboratorio segreto nascosto sotto un vecchio edificio, Luca e Bianca lavoravano senza sosta. En: In the heart of summer, in a secret laboratory hidden beneath an old building, Luca and Bianca worked tirelessly. It: Il laboratorio era pieno di strumenti avanzati, chimici misteriosi e pannelli di controllo che lampeggiavano in more
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Luca's Coffee-Shop Anxiety: Awaiting His Dream Opportunity
Fluent Fiction - Italian
1w ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Luca's Coffee-Shop Anxiety: Awaiting His Dream Opportunity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo estivo. En: The sun was shining high in the summer sky. It: Luca camminava lentamente verso il suo caffè preferito. En: Luca was walking slowly towards his favorite café. It: Si fermò davanti alla piccola porta di legno e respirò profondamente l'aroma del caffè appena macinato. En: He stopped in front of the small woo more
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Market Struggles to Culinary Dreams: Leonardo's Revival
Fluent Fiction - Italian
1w ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Market Struggles to Culinary Dreams: Leonardo's Revival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo azzurro, illuminando il colorato Mercato Brillante. En: The sun was shining high in the blue sky, illuminating the colorful Sparkling Market. It: Le bancarelle erano disposte lungo i sentieri di ciottoli, e l'aria era piena di voci e risate. En: The stalls were arranged along the cobblestone paths, and the air was filled wit more
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Secrets Beneath the Arches: A Ferragosto Revelation in Venice
Fluent Fiction - Italian
1w ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Secrets Beneath the Arches: A Ferragosto Revelation in Venice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: In una calda giornata di Ferragosto, Luca e Sofia si trovavano in Piazza San Marco, a Venezia. En: On a hot Ferragosto day, Luca and Sofia were in Piazza San Marco, Venice. It: La piazza era piena di turisti, tutti cercavano riparo sotto gli elaborati archi della Basilica di San Marco. En: The square was full of tourists, all seeking shelter un more
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Gelato, Chaos, and Creativity: A Day at the Trevi Fountain
Fluent Fiction - Italian
2w ago
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Gelato, Chaos, and Creativity: A Day at the Trevi Fountain Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo di Roma. En: The sun was shining high in the sky over Rome. It: Era un caldo pomeriggio estivo. En: It was a hot summer afternoon. It: Vicino alla Fontana di Trevi, una gelateria attirava turisti e residenti con i suoi gusti rinfrescanti. En: Near the Trevi Fountain, a gelato shop attracted tourists and locals with its more
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