Bandcamp Roundup | October 2017
Thy Kingdom Scvm » Harsh Noise
by Scvm
1y ago
Welcome to the inaugural edition of my newest feature, Bandcamp Roundup! This is something I came up with a while back after I started a Bandcamp account (which you can all follow) and started finding more good tunes on there, more than I have time to review. I thought it’d be a good idea to share some stuff I’ve come across that I dig and get it out there for more eyes and ears. So that’s what I’m doing! And I’ll be doing it regularly from now on. I’ll be covering any and every genre that I’m into. Here in the first installment, we have some good old nasty, muddy Death Metal, some face-pound more
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Sonic Anarchy: Harsh Noise, Power Electronics & Death Industrial – Part 2
Thy Kingdom Scvm » Harsh Noise
by Scvm
1y ago
No matter how extreme the music you listen to is, there’s always something more extreme. There are fringes upon fringes of extremity in our silly little scene and there’s always a new level of rawness and depravity to discover, if you’re willing to dive deep enough. Much like the streets and society itself, there’s always an underbelly of depraved individuals, who have no qualms of provoking the utmost visceral reactions out of anyone in their reach, through the most taboo methods, covering topics like sexual violence, murder, war, rape, extreme political ideologies and a limitless plethora o more
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Analog Hell: Harsh Noise, Power Electronics & Death Industrial – Part 1
Thy Kingdom Scvm » Harsh Noise
by Scvm
1y ago
Well, well, well. It’s been a loooong time since I’ve done one of these. Welcome to another edition of Random Recs, a feature that’s been stagnant on this blog for a long time, for a few reasons. The biggest one being that I’m lazy and can barely keep up with most of the new releases that are coming out every fucking week, let alone stuff from previous years. Well, fuck it, I finally broke and decided to do another one, because there’s something I haven’t talked about on this blog for a while. I’ve been a fan of Noise music for a few years now. I’ve very sporadically talked about it on the bl more
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Label Latests | Vrasubatlat
Thy Kingdom Scvm » Harsh Noise
by Scvm
1y ago
Well, here it is, boys and girls. Welcome to the newest feature on Thy Kingdom Scvm: Label Latests! It’s exactly what it sounds like, for this, i’m just going to talk about the latest batch of releases put out by a specific record label that I haven’t yet had a chance to talk about or review. Basically Quick Album Thoughts but for Labels. Get the gist? Good. This will be a somewhat monthly thing going forward, meaning maybe not EVERY month, but i’ll try. There are plenty of good labels that I follow that will be covered. This is only the first one. The first label that I wanted to talk about more
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Bandcamp Roundup | May & June 2018 (Mid-Year Catch-Up)
Thy Kingdom Scvm » Harsh Noise
by Scvm
1y ago
Well, time for another mid-year catch-up, folks. This time, as you can see, for jams you can jam out to on the good ol’ service that’s better than Spotify, Bandcamp! This is my latest collective of stuff I’ve come across on the site that I dig and recommend to you fine folk. This time, we have 16 outings of several different genres that you can stream right the fuck now below. It’s been a very busy couple weeks already on the blog since I returned from my June hiatus, and this is only the latest thing I have for ya’ll. Next week, i’ll be debuting my new feature and recommending another up-and more
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