Some Other Dad
Some Other Dad is a totally open, raw, and honest account of another person's journey through parenthood, and a space for us all to open up and discuss the issues that affect us as modern parents. You'll get a regular look into the issues affecting us, our perspectives, talk about our unique experiences and learn from each other.
Some Other Dad
2w ago
How my latest Vinted selling spree has made me reflect on my pre-parenting life more
Some Other Dad
3w ago
What having some tradies in my garden has taught me about the emotional baggage we carry as parents more
Some Other Dad
1M ago
An all-in-one source of information and advice for new and expecting parents–coming soon more
Some Other Dad
1M ago
Why it's not OK to discipline someone else's child, and why I'm a massive hypocrite more
Some Other Dad
2M ago
A bad upbringing is the root of all evil - but it's not an inevitability more