Quodlibet 3: Does the Garden of Eden Still Exist?
Sed Contra
by The Sacra Doctrina Project
5d ago
To submit your questions about whatever for a future episode, email us at thequodlibets@gmail.com. Be sure to follow the Sacra Doctrina Project on Facebook and Twitter as well ..read more
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Quodlibet 2: What's the Best Translation of the Bible?
Sed Contra
by Matthew Dugandzic, Taylor Patrick O'Neill, Urban Hannon
1M ago
To submit your questions about whatever for a future episode, email us at thequodlibets@gmail.com. Be sure to follow the Sacra Doctrina Project on Facebook and Twitter as well ..read more
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Beatitude of God
Sed Contra
by Pater Edmund Waldstein O.Cist, Urban Hannon, Fr. Sebastian Walshe O.Praem.
1M ago
In this Sed Contra podcast episode, the discussion centers on the Beatitude of God. The episode is hosted by Pater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist., who is a monk of the Cistercian Abbey of Stift Heiligenkreuz in Austria and an ordinary member of the Sacra Doctrina Project, with fellow ordinary SDP member Urban Hannon who is a seminarian of the FSSP and a doctoral student at the University of Fribourg, and special guest Fr. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem., is a Norbertine Canon of the Abbey of St. Michaelin the Diocese of Orange, California. For those interested, Fr. Sebastian has published an academic ar ..read more
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Quodlibet 1: Who Are You Guys & What Are You Doing Here?
Sed Contra
by Urban Hannon, Taylor Patrick O'Neill, Matthew Dugandzic
1M ago
On this the pilot episode of The Quodlibets, Urban Hannon, Taylor Patrick O'Neill, and Matthew Dugandzic introduce the new ask-us-anything podcast of the Sacra Doctrina Project, share their thirty-second life stories, and answer their colleagues' questions about study habits, literature, and Hans Urs von Balthasar. To submit your questions about whatever for a future episode, email us at thequodlibets@gmail.com. Be sure to follow the Sacra Doctrina Project on Facebook and Twitter as well ..read more
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Disputed Question on Frozen Embryo Adoption
Sed Contra
by Dr. Daniel Lendman, Dr. Matthew Dugandzic, Dr. James W. Stroud
4M ago
Links: Donum vitae https://www.vatican.va/roman\_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc\_con\_cfaith\_doc\_19870222\_respect-for-human-life\_en.html Dignitas personae https://www.vatican.va/roman\_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc\_con\_cfaith\_doc\_20081208\_dignitas-personae\_en.html ..read more
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Aliens and Soteriology
Sed Contra
by Rev. Dr. Andrew Davison, Dr. Kevin Clarke, Dr. Taylor Patrick O'Neill, Dr. John G. Brungardt
5M ago
Rev. Dr. Davison's recent book: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/astrobiology-and-christian-doctrine/3F96E8C3EEA3B1C8832155BF261D4D31 Link to Rev. Dr. Davison's chart from his book:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XUXgYWBe3014TSQwsy6p1OFWG2AIH\_zx/view?usp=sharing Poem reference: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Poems\_(Meynell,\_1921)/Christ\_in\_the\_Universe ..read more
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The Most Holy Eucharist and Transubstantiation
Sed Contra
by Dr. Joey Belleza, Mr. Urban Hannon
7M ago
In this extended episode of Sed Contra, Urban Hannon and Joey Belleza discuss the Most Holy Eucharist and in particular transubstantiation with careful attention to St. Thomas Aquinas' articulation of this doctrine in the Summa theologiae III, q. 75 ..read more
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Why Should I Care About Balthasar
Sed Contra
by Dr. Daniel Drain, Dr. Mark Spencer, Dr. Kevin Clarke
8M ago
In this Sed Contra podcast episode, Why Should I Care About Balthasar, join Sacra Doctrina Project members Dr. Kevin Clarke and Mr. Daniel Drain and special guest Dr. Mark Spencer as they discuss the relevance and importance of the works of Hans Urs von Balthasar ..read more
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The Quest for the Historical St. Thomas Aquinas
Sed Contra
by Fr. Cajetan Cuddy O.P., Dr. James W. Stroud, Dr. Matthew Minerd
10M ago
In this newest Sed Contra episode join Fr. Cajetan Cuddy, Dr. Matthew Minerd, and Dr. James W. Stroud discuss the Quest for the Historical St. Thomas Aquinas, its roots and its impact on Catholic philosophy and theology ..read more
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The Life and Work of Bl. Columba Marmion, OSB
Sed Contra
by Fr. Edmund Waldstein, Dr. Matthew Minerd, Dr. Danny Garland
1y ago
Dr. Matthew Minerd, Pater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist., and Dr. Danny Garland discuss the life and work of Blessed Columba Marmion, O.S.B ..read more
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