Birds of Australia Blog
Few things are as enchanting as watching birds in their natural habitat. Australia is home to a diverse range of birds, from the iconic emu to the colorful rainbow lorikeet. Our mission is to inspire people to appreciate and conserve Australian avian life. Our blog offers interesting articles on bird photography, tips, and gear reviews to fascinating facts about these amazing creatures...
Birds of Australia Blog
1y ago
Spotted Pardalote
The Spotted Pardalote is a small bird that is found in woodlands across Australia. Measuring just over 10cm in length, these birds are mainly brown in color with white spots on their wings and tail. Although they are relatively common, Spotted Pardalotes are seldom seen as they spend much of their time high in the trees, where they feed on insects. These birds breed between August and December, and the female builds a small nest inside a hollow tree or rock crevice. The Spotted Pardalote is just one of the many fascinating species that call Australia home.
The post Spotted pa ..read more
Birds of Australia Blog
1y ago
Australian Rainbow lorikeet
The Australian Rainbow Lorikeet is a birds of Australia. It is a brightly colored parrot found in woodlands, forests, and urban areas across eastern and northern Australia, as well as southern New Guinea. The birds are also commonly kept as pets.
The adult male has a red head and breast, with blue streaks on the wings and a green back and tail. The adult female usually has a green head and breast, with blue streaks on the wings and a red back and tail. Both sexes have green bars on the sides of their necks. Immature birds are similar to the adults, but with duller c ..read more
Birds of Australia Blog
1y ago
Red-browed Finch
The Australian red-browed finch is a small songbird that is native to Australia. The bird gets its name from the distinctive red stripe that runs across its brow. The bird is mostly found in woodlands and forest, but can also be seen in suburban areas. The Red-browed Finch is an active bird, often seen in flocks moving through the trees in search of food. These birds are important seed dispersers and play an important role in the ecology of the Australian bush.The diet of the Australian red-browed finch consists of seeds, insects, and fruit. The bird is a popular subject for b ..read more
Birds of Australia Blog
1y ago
Willie Wagtail
The Willie Wagtail is a small black and white songbird found throughout Australia. They are common in a variety of habitats, from forests to grasslands. They are most commonly seen near water, where they can be seen wagging their tails back and forth as they search for food. Willie Wagtails are known for their playful nature and love of insects, which they catch in mid-air. Willie Wagtail will also take food from people’s hands and has been known to steal food off plates on picnic tables!
They are easy to recognize with its long tail that it constantly flicks while hunting. They ..read more
Birds of Australia Blog
1y ago
White Faced Heron | Gears: R5, EF 500 f/4L II IS USM
I was recently fortunate enough to observe a White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae) down at the local wetland. It was a beautiful sight! This large heron is easy to spot with its stark white face and overall grey plumage. I was able to get quite close, and even managed to snap a few shots of it in flight. If you’re lucky enough to see one of these birds yourself, be sure to take some time to appreciate its beauty!
The post White-faced Heron appeared first on Birds of Australia ..read more