The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
The BirdLife Melbourne blog is a place for members to contribute outing reports, meeting reports, interesting sightings and behaviours and requests for help. The aim is to provide a user friendly interface that will encourage maximum participation from all BirdLife Melbourne members, as well as the general bird-interested public.
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
1w ago
January 2025 The shortest retirement ever! Alan and Hazel 15 year veterans of leading Birdlife Beginners were back again to lead our first outing of 2025 at Pound Bend in Warrandyte. A pleasantly warm, sunny day with some cloud cover and no wind were ideal conditions for birding. All we needed now were some birds ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
2M ago
9 December 2024Leader: Robert Grosvenor Sheperd’s Bush is a small, but bird rich, section of The Dandenong Valley Parklands. It includes the Dandenong Creek and some relatively natural riverine woodland. The map in the link below gives an indication of its size and location. This was our last outing of the year, and the weather ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
2M ago
As is sometimes the case when travelling around the countryside, a tree happens to fall, blocking our path. This was the case at Yellingbo on 3 November while driving down the access road toward the Education Centre. It was an Acacia melanoxylon (Black Wattle, or Blackwood) that had succumbed to the recent strong winds. Three ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
2M ago
It seemed quite windy as a group of hopeful bird watchers waited for the gate to open at the top of Shield Road, Yellingbo. When we arrived at the car park just outside of the Education Centre, the wind had somewhat died down. Twenty bird watchers gathered around to chat and introduce themselves to newcomers.  ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
2M ago
23 November 2024 It was a fitting tribute to Alan and Hazel’s fifteen years in charge of “Beginners” that twenty-five people braved temperatures in the mid 30’s to be there. It is also the shortest retirement ever as they have been press-ganged (nicely) into leading the first outing of 2025 at Pounds Bend. Our president ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
2M ago
For Yellingbo bird walks from February to October 2024 (excluding September when it was too windy to proceed), please see the bird reports below: Sorry for the lack of comment and bird photos on these months. I’m always looking forward to meeting up with you at Yellingbo, entrance via Shield Road, each first Sunday of ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
3M ago
Leader: Clancy Benson The November outing was breaking new territory for some of us. Melton is almost 50km west of Melbourne. As such it offers the chance of some unique habitat for birding in an urban locality. The weather was typically non-committal from a birding point of view. Maybe some rain, maybe not, maybe a ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
3M ago
26 October 2024Photographers: Satya Prakash (SP), Marilyn Ellis (ME) and Steve Hoptroff (SH) Twenty one folks turned up in glorious sunshine eventually after being rounded up from various car parks. We set off just a few minutes behind schedule with three Long Billed Corellas foraging in the grass oblivious of our attentions. Our leader for ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
3M ago
22-23 October 2024Leader: Phillip West Our two-day outings are always special, and this one was no exception. It was lovely to explore a little of Central Victoria. A change of scenery bringing new elements to the senses. New walks, new environments, different birds and maybe even some new species. With a base in Castlemaine for ..read more
The Birdlife Melbourne Blog
4M ago
9 October 2024Leader: John McKenzie Plenty Gorge Park is a large park on Melbourne’s Northern fringes. Extending from just north of the Metropolitan Ring Road to Bridge Inn Road in Mernda it covers approximately 1350 Hectares stretching more than 20km along the Plenty River. This map shows the full extent of the park, which offers ..read more