A Time for Teshuva
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
1w ago
At this time of year, the changing of the seasons prompts us to think about our own changes. A word that is used quite often in that process of inner change is TESHUVA. But what does that really mean? Join me in this episode and we’ll explore this ..read more
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Introspection in Elul
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
2w ago
We readily recognize that any endeavor we’re involved in should be evaluated at certain points in time. So why don't we do this for ourselves? This episode will provide you with some tools ..read more
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A soulful state of mind
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
3M ago
In this I share some inspirational teachings that have been meaningful to me over time. So, I decided that an episode just devoted to my sharing these thoughts with you would be worthy ..read more
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When truth is absent
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
3M ago
In these tumultuous times, many of our foundational beliefs have been uprooted and overturned. We are living it, so we know it. But what does this mean in the context of Judaism? What should we make of the fact that truth, a core value in Judaism is no longer part of our experience? Please tune in to listen ..read more
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One Way to Deal With Anger
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
4M ago
This episode focuses on the anger you might experience from others…either directed at you, or that you might be observing, and your responses to it. I will share a story that will be enlightening and will teach us how we might respond to anger. Won’t you join me ..read more
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Count Yourself In: The Omer
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
4M ago
Why is there so much counting in Judaism? We just completed the Passover holiday when we counted cups of wine, questions, types of questioners, plagues and miracles!! Now, we’re in a period of counting again….the Omer. What does it all mean to you? In this episode, we’ll explore a deeper meaning of this period of counting ..read more
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Holograms, HaShem, and Your Soul
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
4M ago
We live in a tangible and physical world, and often the very nature of our lives prevents us from connecting with the spiritual. How can we move past our rational minds to live with a greater reality? We'll explore that in this episode ..read more
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Turning Points in Your Life
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
8M ago
What have been some of the turning points in your life? Can you put yourself in that place or time when you were faced with a decision that instinctively you knew had consequences for the path your life would take? In this episode, we’ll explore its meaning and how it relates to your own soul ..read more
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Open the Power of Peoplehood
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
10M ago
In this episode I’ll explore with you the deeper meaning of what Am Yisrael means, and in particular the name Israel.   For more content, visit my blog on Substack (Inner Judaism ..read more
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The Meaning of Mussar in Your Life
Inner Judaism
by Ruth Schapira
10M ago
Join me as we explore why the movement known as Mussar is perfect for our times and the deep spiritual messages it holds for us today. To read more, you can visit my blog on Substack, here ..read more
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