Why Pursuing Psychology Education Is a Smart Career Move | MDIS
MDIS Blog » Psychology
1w ago
Mental health has become one of the hottest topics throughout the world, and its value cannot be understated. Among this progression, people prefer psychology education to make a meaningful contribution to the community. With the growing need for psychologists, Singapore provides a strong educational framework that produces the best mental health practitioners. This blog explores why one should consider majoring in psychology to have a fulfilling and meaningful career. Diverse Career Opportunities One of the standout features of majoring in psychology is that it paves the path to a wide range ..read more
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Mental Health: A Key Factor Affecting your Well-being
MDIS Blog » Psychology
1y ago
Our mental health has an impact on our physical health, and vice versa. How we feel emotionally is influenced by our physical well-being. The interaction between our mind and body becomes evident through various expressions. When we are depressed or stressed, it may indicate that we have difficulty falling asleep. When we are hurt or injured, the pain can occasionally be made worse by stress or frustration. We may also experience increased irritability or rage, sadness or worry if we are ill or injured. When hopeful, we are more inclined to experience joy, and more likely to feel that we are ..read more
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Top Mental Health Challenges that Millennials & Gen Z Face Today
MDIS Blog » Psychology
by Prasheena Chettiar
1y ago
You would think that as the most digitally connected and informed, Millennials and Gen Zers would be the most upfront about their mental health and wellbeing. According to the Deloitte Global 2021 Millennial and Gen Z Survey, both generations report high stress and anxiety levels – and remain hesitant about expressing their stress and anxiety to their peers or employers. Gen Z is poised to be the most stressed, anxious and depressed (the most isolated) generation of all time. The top 3 mental health issues reported by both generations are anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.   ..read more
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Waking World: The Iceberg is Overturned
MDIS Blog » Psychology
by Dr. Amir Singh
1y ago
“I believe we are a species with amnesia, I think we have forgotten our roots and our origins. I think we are quite lost in many ways. And we live in a society that invests huge amounts of money and vast quantities of energy in ensuring that we all stay lost. A society that invests in creating unconsciousness, which invests in keeping people asleep so that we are just passive consumers or products and not really asking any of the questions.” ― Graham Hancock, Fingerprints of the Gods, 2018 Contrary to Hancock’s (2018) statement on the unconsciousness, I believe instead that human society is de ..read more
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Four Types of Suicides
MDIS Blog » Psychology
1y ago
In today’s society, the number of suicide cases is becoming increasingly common due to the increased stress individuals face. We, are taking the term “Suicide” too liberally without understanding that suicide itself has different reasoning and intent behind the action.  According to Emile Durkheim, the term suicide is applied to all cases of death resulting directly or indirectly from a positive or negative act of the victim, which he/she knows will produce this result (Pickering & Walford, 2011). Durkheim identifies four different types of suicide which are egoistic suicide, altruis ..read more
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Stress and Your Addictive Behaviours
MDIS Blog » Psychology
by Anil Singh Sona
1y ago
‘Stress’ refers to processes involving perception, appraisal, and response to harmful, threatening, or challenging events or stimuli (Sinha, 2008). No one is immune to stress; it is part of the experience of being alive. Life is full of opportunities and challenges, and we need to face the demands that life has for us. At times, we are overwhelmed by these demands. Stress, if not managed or relieved, can potentially result in distress and burnout. In the absence of early intervention, distress and burnout can lead to an anxiety disorder and depression. There is a substantial literature on the ..read more
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[Infographic] What Great Listeners Actually Do
MDIS Blog » Psychology
1y ago
[Infographic] What Great Listeners Actually Do The post [Infographic] What Great Listeners Actually Do appeared first on MDIS Blog ..read more
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How Ethics & Morality exist in the working environment
MDIS Blog » Psychology
by Christopher
1y ago
Ethics and morality are generally viewed in society as positive and required traits that everyone should possess in our modern society. It is difficult to find a concrete answer on why we should possess it except knowing in our mind that “it’s the right thing to do”. However, the “right thing” is known to be subjective across cultures and is not a universal or objective trait that humanity possesses (LaFollette, 1991). This paper seeks to investigate a deeper reason and create critical thoughts on why ethics and morality exists in the working environment beyond the general consensus reason as ..read more
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Should I study Psychology? Here are the Top 6 traits of Psychology students
MDIS Blog » Psychology
by Christopher
1y ago
Students are attracted to psychology as it aids them to acquire professional skills to understand the complex nature of human behaviour. Awareness of one’s attitude, values and personality is empowering as this will serve as a foundation to developing sense of ‘self’. Curiosity to decode causes of perplexing behaviour can trigger our innate need to meaning. Having identified any of these human tendencies can help us predict responses of people in certain situations. This would also prompt us to take some precautionary measures to avoid harming ourselves and/or others. Psychology gives us a sen ..read more
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3 Key aspects of Self-awareness for Practice in Daily Life
MDIS Blog » Psychology
1y ago
Many struggle to describe themselves in their barest form, let alone realise their individual potential to achieve something big. When we don’t know where we are headed, it is hard to set goals, stay motivated and determine the best course of action. So, before we can do any of these things, we must first establish who we are. Knowing oneself has immense benefits, which can help oneself in setting realistic goals, accomplishing tasks, having successful relationships, or simply remaining motivated in their daily activities. In order to perform at an optimum level, knowing oneself is of top impo ..read more
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