Being Gentle and Loving
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about Gentle and Loving Nietzsche said, “The voice of beauty speaks softly; it creeps only into the most fully awakened souls” When I was a child, I possessed a naturally gentle and loving nature. My heart overflowed with kindness, and I treated others with care and compassion. However, as the grip of addiction tightened its hold on me, my gentle and loving nature slowly began to fade. Then, when drugs and alcohol no longer made the cold life I was living bearable, I discovered the rooms of addiction r more
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The Allure of Shortcuts
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about The Allure of Shortcuts Bryant McGillsaid, “Every shortcut has a price, usually far greater than the reward.”  I excelled in life as a child. I didn't take shortcuts and embraced hard work and dedication. Unfortunately, as I entered my teens, the allure of drugs and alcohol took hold, and lead me down the treacherous path of shortcuts and instant gratification. Thankfully, I found a glimmer of hope when I hit rock bottom and wound up in the rooms of addiction recovery. This was a place wher more
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True Partnerships
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about True Partnerships Charles Darwin said, “It is the long history of humankind that those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.” When I was a child, I had an incredible gift for forming deep and meaningful connections with everyone around me. My genuine kindness and ability to understand others created strong partnerships and friendships. However, as I entered my teens, addiction began to consume my life, leading to a downward spiral that eroded these precious rel more
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Imagination and Creativity
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about Imagination and Creativity Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” I possessed a vibrant imagination with boundless creativity as a child. I would paint colorful pictures with my thoughts, weave intricate stories, and dream of endless possibilities.  Unfortunately, as addiction took hold of my life, my sense of wonder slowly eroded, and my creative spirit became stifled. By the time I hit bottom, I hadn’t cr more
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Finding Your Silver Lining
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about Finding Your Silver Lining Terry Virts said, “It's funny how, when things seem the darkest, moments of beauty present themselves in the most unexpected places.” When I was a boy, I found the positive ‘silver lining’ in nearly everything I experienced. But, once I started drinking and using, hope and optimism began to fade, and I soon found the negative wherever I looked.   Then, in the depths of my addiction, I was brought to a detox center and introduced to the greatest silver lining an alc more
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Risking Good to Pursue Great
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about Risk Good to Pursue Great William Shakespearesaid, “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” I was born with potential for greatness. And as a young lad, I began to capitalize on it. Unfortunately, once drugs and alcohol infiltrated my life, that greatness began to fade, and good became acceptable.   Over time, mediocrity replaced good. And before I realized it, misery replaced mediocrity, and soon became the norm more
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Let Go or Be Dragged
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about Letting Go or Being Dragged Ron Kozak said, “Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make.”  In my drinking and using days I believed that holding on and hanging in, were signs of great strength. But, I held on and was dragged for far too long, through the muck of my poor choices, the depths of addiction, and eventually, the pain and regret of my dark past.   I had thought that I was being strong. But the reality was, i more
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Do As I Do...
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we’re going to talk about A Time of Reprogramming   George Bernard Shawsaid, “Create your own miracles; do what you think you cannot do.”  I was a happy and wonderful kid, full of potential and curiosity. However, the people around me preached one thing but lived another. The contradictory messages I received led me astray, and I began to mirror the behaviors I witnessed, ultimately succumbing to the grip of drugs and alcohol. Fortunately, I reached a breaking point and made it to the rooms of recove more
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One Simple Change
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about One Simple Change Rumi said, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”   When I was a baby, I was happy and whole, and nothing needing to be changed. But, growing up in an alcoholic home, I learned survival skills that didn’t translate well to everyday life.   By my late teens, I had many behaviors that needed changing. Sure, I made some futile attempts to change. But since I never slowed down my drinking and using, nothing work more
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Love and Laughter
Sobriety Rocks
by Recovery HQ
1y ago
Aloha and welcome to the sobriety rocks podcast, I’m your host, Kirk Waterman. Today we talk about Love and Laughter Habez said, “What is this precious love and laughter budding in our hearts? It is the glorious sound of a soul waking up!”    When I was a child, my heart overflowed with love, and laughter echoed through my days. However, as I entered my teens, the grip of drugs and alcohol slowly replaced my joyful moments with anger, guilt, and other negative emotions. The laughter that once resounded within me, slowly faded away.   Thankfully, when I finally hit rock bottom, I more
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