FAM Spotlight: Providence Bible Church
Project Belong VA Blog
by Chris Seaton
6M ago
The Scriptures explicitly call for the care of widows and orphans, and it seemed like a no-brainer to see how Providence Bible Church could partner with others and begin our own ministry, Fostering Hope.  When we contacted Project Belong, I had no idea what form our ministry would take or who would be a part of it. Further, I really had no idea how to proceed other than to make the need known. We know that when the Lord makes a path clear though, He will provide the details as needed – our job was simply to begin moving forward. In April, we provided meals for two foster families as a w ..read more
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Why Fostering Matters
Project Belong VA Blog
by Chris Seaton
7M ago
There’s a need in our area: families who can provide good, loving homes. For the past few years, child welfare departments across our Northern region of Virginia have reported good numbers of foster families they could call upon for help.  However, circumstances have recently changed. After database cleanup efforts and reassessments with inactive families, several Departments of Social Services in our local counties are now expressing to us an urgent need for more foster families. At Project Belong, we believe every child belongs in a family. Central to a child’s core development is t ..read more
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FAM Spotlight: Stafford Crossing Community Church
Project Belong VA Blog
by Chris Seaton
9M ago
FAMs - or Family Advocacy Ministries - are church-led ministries that serve vulnerable children and families. Every FAM looks differently based on the needs of the local community and the makeup and gifts of the church. But together, FAMs across our region are each doing their part to fill the needs of their community and move the needle for our foster care system. Here’s what the FAM at Stafford Crossing Community Church in Stafford, VA is doing! How did you find out about Project Belong? We first heard about Project Belong when we began using Care Portal. We were using Care Portal, tryin ..read more
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The Power of Being Someone’s “Biggest Fan”
Project Belong VA Blog
by Chris Seaton
1y ago
Recently, my 12-month-old niece said her first word and our entire family lost their minds — heaping on praise, applauding her, showering her with compliments and even labeling her a “genius baby.” It made me think about the young adults in our Don’t Go Alone mentoring program who did not have someone to make them feel special or celebrated when they accomplished things. Brandi Laperriere is a licensed professional counselor in the Northern Virginia area, and she recently spoke with our mentors and reminded them that their job is simply to “be happy to be here.” It is simply to delight in the ..read more
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Compassion in Action
Project Belong VA Blog
by Chris Seaton
1y ago
Written by Backyard Orphans and originally posted here! Church is a place you behave! At least that’s what I grew up understanding. Acting out was not optional. Misbehaving was inappropriate. You sat still in the chair while the preacher taught the Word and that was final! My friends followed these same rules because they were like I was: “church kids” who came with our two-parent birth families (many of whom also grew up in church). Because most of us shared the same background and worldview, I didn’t know any different. I assumed all kids knew how to “do kids church.” Without realizing it ..read more
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Words of Advice from a Foster and Adoptive Mom
Project Belong VA Blog
by Rachel Sorkness
1y ago
Do you want to learn more about adoption and the foster care system? Are you on the fence about fostering or adopting? Hear from Amber Cooper, Winchester County foster and adoptive mom. Amber tells the story of what led her to adoption and foster care. She has words of encouragement to share for those who may be thinking about it themselves. Thanks, Amber! Amber Cooper is Project Belong’s County Director for Clarke, Frederick, & Winchester. To learn more about our staff or get in contact with them, please visit projectbelongva.org/about ..read more
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"Hard things are worth doing..."
Project Belong VA Blog
by Morgan Grant
1y ago
Hear from a friend of Project Belong who chose to create belonging for an older young man. They're a kinship family who worked with a therapeutic foster agency called United Methodist Family Services (UMFS). Kinship Care is when a family member or close family friend steps in to care for a child. This is a great 30 minute interview that shines a light on what blending a family and working with an older child is like ..read more
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10 Things People Say About Reactive Attachment Disorder That Aren't True (and Hurt Families)
Project Belong VA Blog
by Chris Seaton
1y ago
This article was originally posted at RAD Advocates, a nonprofit organization that educates and advocates to equip families, communities, and professionals to effectively support children with reactive attachment disorder. Consider visiting their website to learn more about RAD or find support as a parent or caregiver of a child with RAD. As parents of children with reactive attachment disorder – a developmental trauma disorder – we hear a lot of advice and opinions from our friends, family, professionals, and the general public. When people who have not raised a child with reactive attachmen ..read more
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Care Communities in Action: Wrapping around mom of 7 in Purcellville, VA
Project Belong VA Blog
by Chris Seaton
1y ago
Creating a healthy community is vital while you're fostering or planning to adopt. Sometimes as a foster or adoptive parent, it is hard to ask people to step in. Perhaps, you aren’t sure what help to ask for, or the thought of coordinating that help can be totally overwhelming. That’s why we train the church to form Care Communities. These are small teams of about 5-10 volunteers from the local church who are trained and ready to mobilize when a family caring for vulnerable children needs help. They commit to providing practical wrap-around support such as meal deliveries, childcare, help with ..read more
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The call to foster care
Project Belong VA Blog
by Chris Seaton
1y ago
We were humbled to share this platform with Jedd Medefind, President of Christian Alliance For Orphans (CAFO), to discuss the church's call to foster care on WORLD Radio. Listen below or click here to check out the original article from WORLD ..read more
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