Jack Russell Parents Blog
Jack Russell Parents is the podcast celebrating Jack Russell Terrier dogs and the joys of companionship with canines of every kind. Each week, we'll explore all the hilarious and humbling, heartfelt, and harrowing stories that only dog parents can relate to. Even those from you, our fans and listeners.
Jack Russell Parents Blog
1y ago
Would You Rather, Jack Russell Terrier Edition & Season Finale Celebration (Zoomiesode)
To celebrate our season finale, we play a rousing game of Would You Rather, Jack Russell Terrier Edition!
We’re so appreciative of your support and contributions to making our podcast a success. We absolutely loved celebrating JRTs (and pups of every kind) with you all!
See you after the hiatus, puppy parents!
You’ve made this journey such a blessing, fellow puppy parents!
© 2021 Earball Audio Productions ..read more
Jack Russell Parents Blog
1y ago
The Dog Podcast Multiverse: Into the “WITH A DOG” Dimension with Carly the Incredible
We are going on a Dog Podcast Multiverse adventure! First, we interview Carly Parish, an amazing fellow podcaster and creator of the With A Dog brand. Then, we hop over to her timeline where—for the first time ever—the Jack Russell Parents will be interviewed by another podcast.
About Carly and “With A Dog”
From withadogpodcast.com
“With a ten year career in the pet industry I’ve always had countless resources at my disposal when it comes to caring for my dogs. I started the podcast because ..read more
Jack Russell Parents Blog
1y ago
Photo Cred: ABC Studios
The Top 4 Game Shows Easy for JRTs to Win (Zoomiesode)
If dogs could compete in human game shows which ones would Jack Russell Terriers dominate? Probably all of them! But here are the top 4 game shows easy for JRTs to win.
Puppy Parent Showcase @saxonsonofsevro
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Regardless of the game, JRTs are sure to win the best prize of all… your heart!
© 2021 Earball Audio Productions ..read more