Dragonfly Qigong Blog
Dragonfly Qigong offers a deeply connecting, restorative and immersive experience of authentic medical Qigong. We offer a diversity of styles ranging from gentle and flowing movement meditations to deep dynamic stretching forms, giving you a rich foundation and a well-rounded understanding of the knowledge, theory and wisdom of the practice. Our blog is your source for all the latest..
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
How do you meet yourself when you’re stressed?
In many ways – our faced paced western culture does not prepare us for how to handle stress.
That is to say, stress management is not something we are taught as kids, it isn’t a skill that comes naturally, nor something that is biologically hardwired and programmed into our brain when we enter this planet.
A fact of life is that we all experience stress from time to time and it isn’t something that needs to be taboo, not talked about and swept under the carpet.
Even if you are health conscious, spiritually awakened or a yoga ninja – it does not ma ..read more
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
Do you find that something always seems to get in the way of taking time out to de-stress, completely reset and to reboot your energy levels?
Making the time to let go of stress, to calm racing thoughts and to start feeling better is often not on a busy working professional’s priority list.
At first glance, it can all seem like a lot of effort, that it will waste valuable time and that it’s just not that urgent.
Yet, it is often when we feel overwhelmed with busy schedules, racing thoughts and feeling burnt out that we need to look after our wellbeing the most.
But taking care of your wellbei ..read more
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
If you have attended my terms or classes before, it is likely that you have heard me talk about the importance of cultivating intention in your Qigong practice – and this really is the key to feeling success, lasting change and transformation.
Not just mentally, physically or spiritually but at a deeply embodied level. The kind of change that in time permeates your entire being, right to it’s very core.
For many people attending class, it is likely that you will leave feeling better than you arrived. Whilst this is a wonderful experience to have, it is likely that the positive chang ..read more
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
The path to succeeding with Qigong is not a conventional mindset embedded in western culture.
After all, Qigong is a form of preventative Chinese medicine in balancing and mitigating disharmony with your Qi, organs, emotions, and mental health. The focus has always been on striving towards the longevity, preservation and prosperity of your health and well-being. A Western approach to health is more often characterised by a ‘problem, reaction, solution’ mentality.
Furthermore, unlike studying in many educational programs, personal development training, and natural healing mod ..read more
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
Here’s how it can help just about… anyone!
A common misunderstanding in the west is that Tai Chi and QiGong are things that just senior citizens do on a saturday morning in the park. Indeed it is true that many senior citizens do practice these ancient arts but they can offer benefits to everyone of all ages.
How do i know this? Well, this is what both some of my students said and it was my personal view when i was a child. But this changed for me when i discovered it as a teenager.
I first discovered it when i was just 13. Yes, admittedly i was the youngest student in class, but the subtle fo ..read more
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
When it comes to taking time out to look after your wellbeing and mental health – it’s all too easy to push it back until later in the day, to talk yourself out of going to that qigong class or to make excuses to move your wellbeing time to the bottom of your to do list.
It’s a bit like spinach on your dinner plate, you know it’s good for you but it always gets left until last. Can you relate?
Yet, when you do your wellbeing self practice, you feel the better for it, instantly have a boost in energy and find more clarity of mind.
So, what are the ways you can shift this self sabota ..read more
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
Today i want to share my latest blog with you on my personal secrets to overcoming overthinking and racing thoughts…
For many people in the west, we have a chronic addiction to doing. That is, constantly needing to keep ourselves occupied – whether that’s at work, in family life or in our leisure time too.
With so many stimulants available to keep us moving, so much knowledge out there to learn, endless desires to be met and pressure to become someone more than who we already are – its no wonder that we have such epidemic levels of anxiety and stress in our culture.
If i rewind to 10 years ago ..read more
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
We all have an inner critic. That voice in the head that tells us ‘you should have should have known better in that meeting’, ‘you could have been more productive and got more done today’, and ‘that was a bad choice of words in that conversation, you should of said this instead”
My question today is, are you a slave to the endless chatter of your inner critic or are you taking steps to tame it?
If you find yourself getting caught up in your head at work with self critical thoughts about your performance then its likely that your inner critic is off the leash and needs to be put in ..read more
Dragonfly Qigong Blog
1y ago
For many people suffering from stress, overwhelm and anxiety, it is a painful daily reality that is just not talked about, and instead, quietly swept under the carpet.
With huge stigma surrounding talking about mental health still at large in many workplaces, homes and even families; finding a way to release the weight of stress on both your mind and body can be a challenge.
Many of my students have expressed ‘not wanting to be a burden’ on other people, not wanting to ‘put a downer’ on conversations and feeling unsure where to turn to change their situation.
As someone who h ..read more