Women's Caucus for Art
The mission of the Women's Caucus for Art is to create community through art, education, and social activism. WCA is committed to recognizing the contribution of women in the arts; providing women with leadership opportunities and professional development.
Women's Caucus for Art
1w ago
A selection of works from The Carrying Stones Project will be on display at the United Nations Headquarters in NYC, Feb 27-March 21, 2025 ..read more
Women's Caucus for Art
2M ago
Respect and collaboration can be surprisingly complicated and time-consuming. A case in point is the Jones Family mural in Marcellus, MI. A year ago I accepted a commission to redo the mural that depicted a family story, including “Chief Pokamon” wearing buckskin and holding a spear ..read more
Women's Caucus for Art
5M ago
I draw the curtain. I could show you other pictures more pathetic in their hopelessness, but refrain. Lessons in making home neat and attractive; lessons in making family life stronger, sweeter, and purer by personal efforts of the woman; lessons in tidiness of appearance among women; lessons of clean and pure habits of everyday life in the home, and thus bringing to the women self-respect and getting for them the respect of others; how to keep the girls near the mother, and many other kindred subjects, need to be given to this class of women to-day ..read more
Women's Caucus for Art
5M ago
In recognition of the importance and interconnectivity of the experiences and voices of everyday people. The 2024 theme "Reel Stories. Real Change” features ..read more
Women's Caucus for Art
5M ago
This Autism Acceptance Month is a great opportunity to explore the concepts of nature, spirituality, color, and even how to think about dis-ability in our society. The latter is a personal quest of mine. I have been giving great consideration to what it means to be “normal” or even to be “marginalized," and what will the womb-men of the world do to raise their voices in humanity's defense. How will visual culture, art, and text, shape the rhetoric of tomorrow ..read more
Women's Caucus for Art
5M ago
I fell in love while taking a ceramics class at a local community college. I immediately felt the power of working with clay and connected with its ability to bring out a deep understanding of the stories and history that had been imprinted on it over time ..read more
Women's Caucus for Art
5M ago
The evolution of Women's art over time is a reflection of the shifting roles and perceptions of women in society. From the early days when women artists were often overshadowed by their male counterparts, Women's art has grown to become a vital part of the art world ..read more
Women's Caucus for Art
5M ago
For well over a hundred years now, we have relied heavily on the combustion of fossil fuels as the primary source of energy to propel our cars, run our businesses and homes, and provide the electricity to power up our homes ..read more
Women's Caucus for Art
5M ago
Coretta Scott King was an equally impassioned activist in her own right, as well as a staunch supporter of her husband’s politics. During many of Dr. King's marches, she was often found working right alongside her husband during the fight for civil rights. Many African American women who are in traditional marriages and relationships that support equal rights struggle to prioritize their creative endeavors ..read more