The Politics of Cruelty or the Politics of Kindness
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
2w ago
I’m writing this on a beautiful autumn day in northern New Mexico, with the mountains and piñon trees outside my windows as companions and witnesses.  My animal family surrounds me, and I am deeply aware of my relationships with the wild ones who share this land with me: birds, insects, rodents, coyotes, bobcat, fox, snake, […] The post The Politics of Cruelty or the Politics of Kindness appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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Interspecies Inspiration: The Radiant Lives of Animals by Linda Hogan
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
1M ago
Every now and then I come across something that I can’t wait to share with you because it is so beautiful, inspiring, and nourishing, and because it offers something important for our understanding of interspecies communication, relationships, and how we can heal the fractures between our species and the others with whom we share our […] The post Interspecies Inspiration: The Radiant Lives of Animals by Linda Hogan appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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Teachings from Great Blue Herons
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
2M ago
Many years ago, a young great blue heron taught me a valuable lesson about interspecies communication that I continue to share with my students. This summer, I had the opportunity to revisit that lesson, and experience a magical event with another heron. Here are those stories! I Just Got Here When I lived in Arizona, […] The post Teachings from Great Blue Herons appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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Do THIS to Improve Your Communication with Animals
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
3M ago
  One of the most important things that we as humans can do if we really want to be able to hear and communicate with other species is to BE QUIET.  Our human world is NOISY. Our human language is NOISY. Our internal world is also often NOISY, with thoughts, worries, and ideas.  If we […] The post Do THIS to Improve Your Communication with Animals appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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Intuitive Guidance from Animals Podcast
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
3M ago
The post Intuitive Guidance from Animals Podcast appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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Can Communication Help Animals with Thunderstorm Anxiety?
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
5M ago
Well, it’s that time of year again here in the northern hemisphere: summer storm season. Here in northern New Mexico, where I live, our annual summer “monsoon” rains typically begin in early July and last through the end of August, though that is changing with the changing climate and persistent drought conditions. Additionally, in the […] The post Can Communication Help Animals with Thunderstorm Anxiety? appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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Join me at the Sedona Hummingbird Festival!
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
6M ago
I have some exciting news: I will be a guest presenter at the 10th annual Sedona Hummingbird Festival, July 26-29, 2024, sponsored by the International Hummingbird Society. I would love to meet you in Sedona and have you be a part of this wonderful gathering of hummingbird lovers! Located in the heart of Sedona’s red […] The post Join me at the Sedona Hummingbird Festival! appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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Lulu’s First Birthday: New Body, Old Soul
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
7M ago
On Saturday, April 6, Lulu the Wonder Cat will be 1 year old! If you’ve been around for awhile, you know the story of Lulu’s magical birth, and the beginning of the next lifetime of the being who was formerly known as Louie. Louie was my beloved cat partner, teaching companion, and spiritual mentor, and […] The post Lulu’s First Birthday: New Body, Old Soul appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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Highly Sensitive Animals
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
9M ago
In recent years, there has been a increase in awareness about the trait of high sensitivity in humans.  I find that many people who are drawn to intuitive interspecies communication and Reiki have the trait of high sensitivity, and so I talk about this frequently in my classes and training programs, and continue to share […] The post Highly Sensitive Animals appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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New Years’ Conversation and Musings
Nancy Windheart Blog
by Nancy Windheart
10M ago
Well, here we are at the beginning of 2024. I hope that you had a peaceful holiday season with your loved ones of all species. I’m also aware that for many people all across our planet, this time has been very difficult. As we begin 2024, with all we are facing as a species and […] The post New Years’ Conversation and Musings appeared first on Nancy Windheart | Animal Communication and Reiki for All Species more
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