XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
Talk about the OnePlus Nord N20 5G in the XDA Forum. Find answers to all your questions about the phone, including how to unbrick the Nord N20, how to root your phone, how to restore data and much more. Find out the latest news, information on updates and more.
XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
2M ago
I got no idea what the pin and Google account pass is, and now I can't log in. I'm stuck on setup ..read more
XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
2M ago
*** Disclaimer
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crDroid is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device also attempting to bringing many of the best features existent today
Flashing Instructions:
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XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
3M ago
So I entered my IMEI, serial number, email, and unlock code on https://www.oneplus.com/us/unlock_token for my OnePlus Nord N20 5G, and it said "IMEI number has been applied, please check your application records." However, when I click "Check my applications", I get "You have no application records yet.". How do I unlock the bootloader on this phone? It's a GN2200 ..read more
XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
4M ago
flashed my Oneplus Nord N20 gn2200/CPH2459 to lineageOS 21 and I somehow managed to mess up the radio. I've lost all cellular service, the phone detects my sim but is unable to connect. I've typed (*#*#4636*#) in the dialer and tried to turn the radio on but it turns right back off. I have spent several days trying to come up with a solution but i cant seem to find a fix. do i have to flash modems? if so could i pull the files with fastboot enhance from the origanl back up i took prior to...
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XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
4M ago
I was finally able to root my gn2200.
Ive been searching for months.. anyone have any links for custom roms? i cant even find unofficial lineage, i believe i have the TWRP for recovery.
Any help or insight would be much appreciated ..read more
XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
4M ago
I have the OnePlus N20 SE (model CPH2469).
Apologies if this isn't the right place, but I couldn't find a forum specifically for this exact model, and this one seemed to be the closest match.
I purchased the device a couple of days ago, and it came out of the box with OxygenOS
I'm interested in rooting the device, but when I attempt to use "adb reboot bootloader" as part of the procedure, the device reboots and displays the message: "the serial is not match...
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XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
4M ago
Hello, I have been trying to get ahold of the kernel source and have not been able to find it anywhere online. The closest I have found is the kernel for the ColorOS version of the Nord N20 5G. Do all os's use the same kernel?
ColorOS Kernel - https://github.com/OnePlusOSS/android_kernel_modules_and_devicetree_oneplus_sm6375 ..read more
XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
5M ago
So I tried rooting my Nord N30, but I messed up and flashed the wrong "boot.img" file. Now I'm stuck with a boot error message that says "The current image (boot/recovery) have been destroyed". I've tried everything (edl, button combinations for fastboot) and it only keeps looping back to this message. (I'm a total noob so any advice related to edl is appreciated ..read more
XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
5M ago
I need some assistance with unlocking the stupid bootloader on this one plus. So it's a T-mobile Phone and I filled out the application for the unlock token waited two weeks no reply. Finally I Chit Chatted with One PLus Support and two days later I got the Token.Bin file sent to my email. Ok after the struggle typing in the correct command in power shell which i had to rename (unlock_token.bin) and then move the Unlock download into my adb folder i finally got it flashed threw the fastboot...
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XDA Forums » OnePlus Nord N20 5G
5M ago
I have Lineage OS 21 installed but want to run it completely de-googled, unfortunately some of my apps won't work without play services. Has anyone successfully accomplished this ..read more