UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Blog
The Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education serves as a focal point for a broad range of research, education, and public service activities for 61 faculty in 11 departments and all 4 schools at UCSF. We perform cutting edge research that is critical for policies and programs to end the tobacco epidemic. We are the leading scientific voice speaking against those who seek to enrich..
UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Blog
9M ago
UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Blog
10M ago
African Americans face a higher stroke risk than other racial groups in the U.S., which is not fully accounted for by traditional risk factors or socioeconomic differences. Tobacco smoking, a well-established independent risk factor for stroke and responsible for one-fifth of all strokes in the US, has only recently been evaluated in this population. The 2.5 times higher risk for African American smokers compared to non-smokers, is even greater when contrasted with non-Hispanic Whites, highlighting the need to investigate the underlying reasons for this disparity ..read more
UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Blog
1y ago
On Friday, August 25, 2023 UCSF TCORS submitted six public comments following the FDA’s Public Meeting and Listening Session for Developing their Center for Tobacco Products' Strategic Plan ..read more
UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Blog
1y ago
HHS’s proposed Framework to Support and Accelerate Smoking Cessation is an important first step to addressing health disparities among populations disproportionately impacted by smoking-related illness and death. In particular, the framework focuses on closing the gap in culturally tailored cessation treatments and programs available, improving accessibility to these disproportionately impacted populations, and acknowledging the importance of policies and programs at the population level that will support an individual’s successful attempts to quit smoking. While we generally support the propo ..read more
UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Blog
1y ago
Actual human disease data contradicts the low assumed e-cigarette risk FDA uses to justify an exception for “reduced risk” cigarettes in its product standard prohibiting menthol ..read more
UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Blog
1y ago
Lauren Kass Lempert, JD, MPH; Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, PhD; Stanton A. Glantz, PhD; Neal L. Benowitz, MD; Carolyn S. Calfee, MD MAS; Benjamin W. Chaffee, DDS MPH PhD; Jennifer Fung, PhD; Stuart Gansky, DrPH; Wendy Max, PhD; Vira Pravosud, PhD, MPH, MS; Matthew L. Springer, PhD; Pamela M. Ling, MD, MPH ..read more
UCSF Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education Blog
1y ago
The study was part of the 2021-2022 California and was based on a statewide online survey of 2,342 adolescents aged 12-17. As part of a discrete choice experiment within the survey, teens were shown two hypothetical vape products and asked to select which one they would be willing to use (or neither) if offered by a best friend. The hypothetical products differed in their flavor, what they contained (nicotine, cannabis, or “just vapor”), and other characteristics. gives further evidence to suggest that having flavors in those vapes may increase adolescents’ willingness to try them, regardless ..read more