Hysterical Women
Hysterical Women is a feminist blog founded by freelance health journalist Sarah Graham, to explore the sexism, paternalism, dismissal, and disbelief surrounding women's healthcare. Sarah is a feminist health journalist, specializing in mental, sexual, and reproductive health.
Hysterical Women
1y ago
Guest post from Harley Street at Home I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed about my work by Nigel from Harley Street at Home: Menopause. Thank you to them for contributing this guest post for World Menopause Day 2022. Menopause isn’t a mental health issue, far from it, but psychological symptoms of menopause shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand by women or their healthcare professionals. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, low mood, irritability and more can be as debilitating as hot flushes, night sweats and fatigue, but are often overlooked from the perspective of hormonal fluctuatio ..read more
Hysterical Women
1y ago
I'm going on maternity leave! Somehow there's only a week left of 2021, and there's no doubt it's been another very weird and very challenging year – globally, nationally, and individually, in many different ways for all of us. I'm conscious that I personally have withdrawn from a lot of my more public-facing work as a journalist this year. I've been much more absent than I ever really intended, not only from this blog, but also from the publications I usually freelance regularly for, and from social media. In April I signed my first book deal, with Bloomsbury, and in May found out I wa ..read more
Hysterical Women
1y ago
Guest post by Tanya Patel, founder of online maternity and breastfeeding brand Lily and Ribbon When I was 14 years old, my period became something that I just couldn’t cope with. Being a teenager, I didn’t realise it wasn't normal for my period pain to be incredibly severe; culminating in me fainting in public because the pain was just overwhelming. Not only did I struggle to cope with the pain, this massively impacted my confidence. It got to the point where I was too embarrassed to leave the house in case I fainted when out and about in front of everyone! As I grew up, I almost got used to ..read more
Hysterical Women
1y ago
Researcher Jodie Hughes would like to hear from anyone with endometriosis
I am Jodie Hughes and I am a PhD student at the University of Roehampton, London.
I am studying disparities in the care of PEOPLE with Endometriosis, and identifying where there may be gaps. I will be comparing Health Related Quality of life scores, and comparing the results between samples groups, the groups will include country and area of residence, gender, age, and race.
This study consists of two main parts:
The first is a questionnaire-based survey with a projected sample of 2000+, sample size would in most cases ..read more
Hysterical Women
1y ago
Q&A with Dr Elinor Cleghorn, author of Unwell Women: A Journey Through Medicine And Myth in a Man-Made World Unwell Women, by feminist cultural historian Dr Elinor Cleghorn, was published on 10 June and explores gender bias, medical misogyny and myths throughout the history of medicine – from Ancient Greece all the way through to her own experiences, in the present day, of living with autoimmune disease lupus. Elinor spoke to Hysterical Women about the murkiest corners of medicine's sexist history, what we can learn from it, and what it means for those of us tackling the gender health gap ..read more
Hysterical Women
1y ago
Guest post by Ellie Hopkins, founder & CEO of Chronically Awesome In long overdue recognition that our healthcare system was designed by men for men, the government is currently running a public consultation as part of the design of the first ever 'Women's Health Strategy'. While I wholeheartedly welcome a stronger input and focus on women’s experiences and needs in healthcare, there are already worrying signs that the input women have given is going to go unheard. Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour programme yesterday, Health Minister Nadine Dorries said the consultation is clearly s ..read more
Hysterical Women
1y ago
Guest post by Steph Cullen During my first pregnancy in 2015 my mental health spiralled quite quickly. I have always battled with mental illness since my very early teens. Hormones are a huge contributing factor for me, as I live with the mental health condition Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). Pregnancy should have given me some relief as [my hormones weren't] cycling. However, my sensitivity to hormones dates back to childhood, where I grew up with a hormone imbalance called premature adrenarche. So, maybe it's no surprise that pregnancy hormones, coupled with the idea of becoming a ..read more
Hysterical Women
1y ago
Q&A with Fran Bushe, author of My Broken Vagina: One woman's quest to fix her sex life and yours My Broken Vagina, published on 13 May, is comedian Fran Bushe's funny, moving, and sometimes awkward quest to fix her sex life. But it's also the story of millions of women everywhere - half of all women have felt pain during sex. During Fran's journey towards building a better relationship with her genitals, doctors advised her to have a glass of wine to loosen up, and male friends suggested she simply hadn't 'tried' the right penis yet. Unsurprisingly, neither worked. Fran has previously wri ..read more