Bug Bounty
This website provides you the information related to bug bounty and website penetration testing for educational purposes.
Bug Bounty
1y ago
There are numerous platforms availabe who offers bug bounties programms in which organizations offers to professionals to find bug on their websited and they will get rewarded
Hackerone is one of the famous platform for bug bounty https://hackerone.com/opportunities/all
After choosing the website : -
use the information gathering tool "amass" in kali linix. below command is finding the subdomains on xyz.com website and storing the output on demo.txt file
amass enum -d yourwebsite.com -passive -o demo.txt
Now we have many domains in our demo.txt in which there could be the infected domain ..read more
Bug Bounty
1y ago
What is Bug bounty ?
A bug bounty programme is one that businesses or organisations provide to encourage security researchers to discover and report flaws in their software, applications, or websites.
Researcher awards or bounties are frequently offered by bug bounty programmes to those who can find and report these security vulnerabilities. The reward's value can change depending on the severity of the bug, how it might affect the business or its customers, and how challenging it is to find.
As a tool for businesses to proactively uncover and address security issues before they may be ..read more