Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
Michigan Avenue Media Podcasts bring you shows on writing books and screenplays, self-help advice, movies,discussing relationships, publishing,health issues,marketing,fashion and style. We're in Chicago.Marsha's Home Town! We have a lot of fun so listen in and join us if you like. Call in or let us know if you'd like to be a guest.
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
2M ago
A Good Stor Is A Good Story Let's celebrate Children's and YA authors on November 20 at 4:30 EST 3:30CST 2:3OMT !:30 PST. Marsha Casper Cook is joined by Rich Linville, Ellwyn Autumn, and Cathi Mesaric Bartlett. http://www.michiganavenuemedia.com Tune in as we explore the creative processes behind beloved characters, impactful themes, and the unique challenges authors face in today's landscape. Together, let's celebrate the power of words and the transformative role they play in empowering young readers everywhere. Join us on this literary journey—because every story has the potential to make ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
3M ago
Join Marsha Casper Cook on November 13th at 4:30 EST 3:30CST 2:30MT 1:30PST when her guest will be award-winning author Amy Patricia Meade. Join us for an engaging discussion about the writing process. Explore the various stages every writer experiences in crafting their story. Marsha Cook welcomes award winning author Amy Patricia Meade back to her podcast on Wednesday, November 13th at 4:30EST 3:3O CST 2:30 MT 1:30 PST. Join in for an engaging discussion about the writing process. Explore the various stages every writer experiences in crafting their story. Don’t miss it! https://amypatriciam ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
3M ago
Join host Marsha Casper Cook and her award-winning authors Jennifer Conner and Chris Karlsen on Wednesday, October 30th at 4:30 EST 3:30 CST 2:30 MT 1:30 PST for a delightful discussion on how books weave happiness through great stories. Tune in as they discuss recommendations that will ignite your passion for reading and the happiness great books bring to readers. After the show, you can find the replay https://michiganavenuemedia.com/ Guests websites https://www.chriskarlsen.com/ https://jenniferconnerwriter.wordpress.com/   ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
3M ago
Please click here to listen to other podcastshttp://www.michiganavenuemedia.com Join Marsha Casper Cook and her guest Vicki Stiefel on Wednesday, October 23 at 5PM EST 4PMCST 3PM MT PST 2PM for an engaging discussion on the art of writing memoirs and more! Vicki, an accomplished writer and professor, brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for storytelling. Her inspirational writing and adventurous spirit will surely enlighten listeners. Dive into a conversation about the intricacies of memoir writing, the power of personal narratives, and tips for captivating readers. Don’t miss ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
4M ago
Please join Marsha Casper Cook on October 16 at NOON EST 11CST 10MT 9PST when she is joined by authors Nicole Disney and Kimberly Cooper Griffin for a great discussion about love and relationships. . ABOUT THE BOOK EXPOSURE : Jax Bailey has built a successful career photographing famous women, but she’s blocked creatively and frustrated by her inability to hold on to a romantic relationship. Trace Logan is independent to a fault but somehow failed to launch. The daughter of a career army mother, she’s moved around so much she doesn’t have a place she calls home, and she longs to return t ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
4M ago
Michigan Avenue Media has a new website where you can hear all our shows . http://www.michiganavenuemedia.com Please join Marsha Casper Cook on October 9th at Noon EST 11CST 10MT 9PST for a lively discussion on current topics. Our round table group will be -- Živa Gronostalski and Jack Remick and they will be discussing how hope and joy can bring happiness toward a new path. It will be fun so join us live or later on-demand wherever you listen to your podcasts. http://Www.michiganavenuemedia.com http://Www.jackremick.com https://theravenword.com http://Marshacaspercook ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
4M ago
Michigan Avenue Media has a new website where you can hear all our shows . http://www.michiganavenuemedia.com Please join Marsha Casper Cook on October 9th at Noon EST 11CST 10MT 9PST for a lively discussion on current topics. Our round table group will be -- Živa Gronostalski and Jack Remick. It will be fun so join us live or later on-demand wherever you listen to your podcasts. http://Www.michiganavenuemedia.com http://Www.jackremick.com https://theravenword.com http://Marshacaspercook.com   ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
4M ago
Please join Marsha Casper Cook, Carol Solomon Proesel, and Jeff Fleischer on Monday Sep 23 at Noon EST 11CST 10MT 9 PST for a discussion about the importance of voting and a coming sense understanding as to what the United States government actually does. Jeff Fleischer is a Chicago-based author, journalist and editor. His fiction collection, "Animal Husbandry," will be published in fall 2024 by Running Wild Press. His non-fiction books include "Votes of Confidence: A Young Person's Guide to American Elections" (Zest Books, 2024, 2020, 2016), "Civic Minded: What Everyone Should Know About the ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
4M ago
Please join Marsha Casper Cook on November 9th at Noon EST 11CST 10 MT 9PST when her guests will be Amy Patricia Meade and Krysten Lindsay Hager. This is another one of those great shows about Hollywood and the great movies from the past. It will be fun and you won't want to miss this one.   ..read more
Michigan Avenue Media Podcast
4M ago
Please join Marsha Casper Cook on July 13th at 11EST 10CST 9MT 8PST when award-winning author CD Gorri joins her for an off-the-cuff conversation about writing including character development and CD's writing tips that have helped her become successful. USA Today Bestselling author C.D. Gorri writes paranormal romance and urban fantasy books with steam and humor. Series can be read alone, but most are interconnected in the world she created and calls the Grazi Kelly Universe. An avid reader with a profound love for books and literature, she is usually found with a book in hand. C.D. lives in h ..read more