Carmelite Homemaker
Hello, my friends. I have been feeling drawn to begin a page where women can find community, inspiration, and encouragement as they strive to live a Catholic life and serve in the home. Carmelite Homemaker is a place to talk about all things in a Catholic woman's life.
Carmelite Homemaker
2y ago
Today I would like to share a few of the many fruits of my experience during the year I was a postulant at the Carmelite monastery, and how they have affected me to this day. My time there was such a beautiful experience, and although there are times that I miss it painfully, I truly do love talking about it. Let's look at five of the things I learned there that can be applied to the lay person's life in the world!
1. HOLINESS IS FOUND IN ONE'S DUTIES. Life in itself, dutifully lived out, is sanctifying. We tend to measure our holiness by how much extra we do, and not by how well we are ..read more
Carmelite Homemaker
2y ago
Hello, everyone!
I have been quiet on here, as I have been in the works of upgrading the blog site I use, and get more features for readers.
I invite you to visit the new blog at | Carmelite Homemaker |. At the bottom of the home page, there is a subscribe button, where you can sign up to receive email notification of new posts.
I have also added a page that is attached to my Instagram feed, so those who view only the blog and are not on social media may have access to shorter pieces I write and put up there.
Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey!
In the Sacred Heart ..read more
Carmelite Homemaker
2y ago
My dearest friends,
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Today I embark upon the new journey of having a blog. This has only been undertaken after serious thought and prayer. One of the greatest marks of Carmel is the practice of silence, and in today's world, we are often all too quick to share much more than perhaps we ought. I had to seriously consider whether or not God was wanting me to grow my online presence, and, if so, how He wanted me to use it.
I simply want to speak more about my story in today's post. As I mention in my 'About Me' page, I was in a Carmelite monastery for a year. I only lef ..read more
Carmelite Homemaker
2y ago
There are so many opportunities for growth that present themselves to us in everyday life. Opportunities to grow in our prayer life, in virtue, in healthy habits, in relationships...the list goes on.
Yet it has struck me many times now (perhaps due to my oft repeated experience of it, haha) that we so often pass over these little opportunities because we are waiting for a time that we can do it more perfectly and completely, or in more ideal circumstances. We stand at the foot of the path, but wait to embark until some future time, whether that be the next season of our ..read more