Property Classification and Valuation Reversed in Covington, Tennessee Divorce: Cayson v. Cayson
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
3d ago
How is property to be classified and valued in a Tennessee divorce more
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No Statute of Limitations for Criminal Contempt in Memphis, Tennessee Postdivorce Dispute: Trezevant v. Trezevant
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
1w ago
How much time do you have to file for criminal contempt after a divorce in Tennessee more
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Court Divided over Settlement Agreement in Jonesborough, Tennessee: Hayes v. Extreme Excavation, LLC
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
1w ago
What is necessary to have an enforceable settlement agreement in Tennessee more
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Property Classification Reversed in Woodbury, Tennessee Divorce: Taylor v. Taylor
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
1w ago
Who bears the burden of proof to show that property is marital in a Tennessee divorce more
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Divorce Parties Reached an All-Time High Last Year
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
2w ago
“Filing for divorce is an act of freedom,” Levine says. “Why should I not celebrate one of the bravest choices I’ve ever made for myself more
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Award of Attorney’s Fees Reversed in Shelbyville, Tennessee: Heerdink v. Osborne
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
2w ago
What happens when a party voluntarily dismisses their lawsuit in Tennessee more
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Calculation of Child Support Vacated in Cleveland, Tennessee: Brewster v. Brewster
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
3w ago
What is included in a parent's gross income when calculating child support in Tennessee more
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Excessive Grandparent Visitation Schedule Reversed in Ashland City, Tennessee: Evans v. Derrick
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
3w ago
What is a "reasonable" grandparent visitation schedule in Tennessee more
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Poorly Drafted Marital Dissolution Agreement Causes Problems in Memphis, Tennessee: Dunavant v. Dunavant Revocable Living Trust
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
1M ago
When is a marital dissolution agreement an enforceable contract in Tennessee more
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Parents Should Ignore Their Children More Often
Herston Law Group Blog
by K.O. Herston
1M ago
Underparenting requires structural change, and not just the obvious changes that we think of as parental stress-relievers, such as family leave and paid child care. It also requires that as a society, we build back our tolerance for children in public spaces, as annoying and distracting as they can be, and create safe environments where lightly supervised kids can roam freely more
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