What Kind Of Ants Live In Your Walls?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
3d ago
Ants in walls are more common than you might think. They can be a real nuisance because they often go unnoticed until the problem gets out of hand. They can also create problems for your property and even cause damage.   Why do these ants choose your walls? Because walls offer protection and warmth. Ants choose to build their nests there because it’s safe from predators and harsh weather. Wondering which type of ants live in walls? Then read on. Carpenter ants Have you noticed large ants around your home? These might be carpenter ants. They excavate walls to build their nests, which can c ..read more
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7 Facts About Weird Wasp Behaviour
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
3d ago
Ever wondered about the behaviour of wasps? Why are they sometimes aggressive and sometimes dopey? How do they communicate? Are they just pests or do they play a role in the ecosystem? Here are seven fascinating wasp behaviour facts. Wasps become more aggressive at certain times of year Wasps become more aggressive in late summer and early autumn. This change in wasps’ behaviour occurs because their natural food sources become scarce. During this period, wasps turn to human food and drink, leading to increased encounters with people. Wasps communicate through pheromones Wasps use pheromones to ..read more
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Are Pets At Risk From Rodent Poison?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
3d ago
Are you worried about using rodent poison around your pets? Cats and dogs can indeed be at risk. Understanding these risks and how to minimise them is crucial for every pet owner. This post looks at how to use rodent poison safely. What risks does rodent poison pose for cats and dogs? Firstly, why is rodent poison dangerous for household pets? Rodent poisons contain toxic substances designed to kill rats and mice. These toxins can also harm pets if they ingest them. Even small amounts can cause severe illness or death. Symptoms of rodent poison ingestion include vomiting, lethargy and seizures ..read more
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Are Carpet Beetles Eating Textiles Or Fabric?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
3d ago
Have you noticed damage to your textiles and fabrics? Well, carpet beetles might be the culprits. These tiny insects can cause significant damage if not addressed promptly. It’s useful to know that our insect control services can deal with any kind of insect, including carpet beetles, not just the usual suspects. But how do you identify and deal with carpet beetles in your home or business? Identifying carpet beetles and their damage Firstly, what do carpet beetles look like? Carpet beetles are small, oval insects. They can be black, brown or patterned with scales. Adult beetles often appear n ..read more
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Can People Or Pets Be Allergic To Flea Bites?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
3w ago
Ever wondered if flea bites could cause allergies in people or pets? Fleas are not just a nuisance. Their bites can lead to serious allergic reactions in both humans and animals. Let’s explore how flea bites can trigger allergies and what you can do about it. Understanding flea bite allergies Flea bites are more than just itchy spots. For some, they can trigger allergic reactions. When a flea bites, it injects saliva into the skin. This saliva contains proteins that can cause an allergic response. In people, this might mean itchy red bumps. In pets, it can lead to a condition known as flea all ..read more
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Why Do I Suddenly Have Small Black Flies?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
3w ago
Have you noticed small black flies hanging around your home and wondered where they came from? These unwelcome guests can be both annoying and concerning. In this post we will explore why you might suddenly have small black flies and how to address this issue. Common types of small black flies What types of small black flies are commonly found in UK homes? The most frequent culprits include fruit flies, fungus gnats and drain flies. Each type has distinct characteristics and breeding habits, but they all share a knack for making their way indoors. There are other kinds, but these three types o ..read more
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Do Rats Avoid Traps And What Can You Do?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
3w ago
Rats are known for their intelligence. These pests have shown a remarkable ability to navigate mazes and perform other intelligence based tasks. This includes the ability to avoid traps. But what can you do about this and how do you make it so that your traps actually work? Why do rats avoid traps in the first place? The problem with rats is that they are terrified of anything new. These pests are smart enough to understand that anything new in their environment could be dangerous. This is the main reason why they avoid traps. Solving this problem requires time and patience. It just means that ..read more
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Can Garden Squirrels Become Pests Indoors?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
1M ago
Garden squirrels are often a real nuisance to gardeners and bird lovers. They cause a great deal of annoyance to Londoners and do a lot of damage in the garden. However, they can become even more of a problem if they invade your home. In this post, we will explore this issue and look at what you can do about it. The impact of squirrels coming indoors Garden squirrels usually stay outside, but they can be tempted indoors. During colder months, they seek warmth and shelter. Squirrels often enter homes through small openings in roofs, eaves, and soffits, as well as damaged vents and chimneys. The ..read more
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Do Cockroach Populations Rise in Summer?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
1M ago
Summer is a season of warmth, sunshine, and unfortunately, pests. One common pest that becomes more noticeable during the summer is the cockroach. This is true for both residential homes and food businesses. But do cockroach populations actually increase in summer? Let’s explore why these pests seem more prevalent during the warmer months. Cockroaches thrive in warmth and humidity Cockroaches are cold-blooded insects. This means they rely on external temperatures to regulate their body heat. Summer provides the perfect environment for cockroaches to thrive. Warm weather speeds up their metabol ..read more
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Will Moths Return After Pro Treatment?
Diamond Pest Control Blog
by Sally
1M ago
Discovering moths in your home can be unsettling. These insects are not just a nuisance; they can also damage textiles and food items. You might wonder: “will moths return after professional treatment?” While professional pest control significantly reduces the likelihood of their return, moths can be persistent. Here’s what you need to know to keep these insects at bay after professional intervention. Understanding the issues around moth prevention After professional treatment, the key to preventing moths from returning is ongoing vigilance and maintenance. Moths are attracted to natural fibre ..read more
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