Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
Podcast of CSLM Sunday Talks
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
6d ago
We’ve all heard the age-old question: “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” But what about our happiness? Do all the great things we experience in life make us happy, or does knowing the truth of our intrinsic happiness create all the great things in our life? Which comes first? Let’s discuss why happiness matters, and how using spiritual principles helps us experience more of it!  ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
1w ago
When we can free ourselves from the idea of separateness, we have compassion and understanding, and the energy we need to transform ourselves and the world.
Affirmation: I embrace my connection with all life ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
1w ago
This past month CSL Midtown has explored inner Peace, Peace with others, Peace in community and World Peace. Today, we are going to put all the pieces of Peace together to explore the question, “What is mine to do?” to have a Grand Rising and reveal Peace on Earth Now. We must practice the presence of peace consciously, definitely and deliberately. If we can do it individually and, in the family, and to a certain degree in our offices and businesses, which we can, why can’t we do it for the whole world? We can.” —Ernest Holmes, “World Peace is ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
3w ago
Infinite potential is inherent in life; however, we must consciously choose, and be open to, the limitless possibilities for our lives. This week we will explore how to open the door to opportunities and avoid sleepwalking through our life.  ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
1M ago
Do you see yourself as a being in God or something less? Dr Fox explores options to help you with the understanding that you are truly unlimited ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
1M ago
Is it time to Declutter? What does it mean to declutter? Not only the physical spaces (homes, apartments, cars, offices) but the spaces of our lives as a whole! We cannot effectively live our lives while something other than our highest and best occupies the space of our lives. We will explore and practice how to move into a space where we can effectively create and live the life we desire and deserve. Be warned… This means some things will need to be removed in order to Make Space for “It ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
1M ago
As we move into 2025, many of us will vow to do something new or different. Do you and I really decide or just think about making changes? We have the power and ability to start anew every moment of every day, if we truly make the decision to do so. There is no need to wait for a special date to do so, because there is only the eternal now. We can celebrate our greater good any time, because Spirit always says yes ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
1M ago
What have you done to prove to yourself you have expanded your consciousness by practicing principles shared throughout this year? The Theme “A Grand Rising” was presented to aid in that expansion. We say we are open at the top. It is one thing to be open, it is another to expand into that openness.
There is an old Zen saying, “When you get to the top of the mountain, Keep climbing. The Principles – The mountain– stay the same. Our relation to them expands as our minds, heart and wisdom expand.
It is comfortable to stay with the old – but growth does not happen in old comfort.
We will review f ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
1M ago
Christmas is about the kind thought. The gentle act, giving our humanity to humanity. As Mother Theresa said, “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Midtown
2M ago
Be like water…
How often have you heard, read, been told, or told someone else to “go with the flow?” How often was the way to do this also shared? Living Beyond the Beyond by live a Trans-Spiritual life is in and of itself an embodied way of living in the flow and as the flow itself!
We think of our world as solid, but Holmes reminds us that “we are dealing with a fluent force.” We can learn to flow with liquid law and not be stopped by appearances of solidity. It takes a shift of consciousness and a grounding in Truth Principles to look “solid facts” in the eye and say, “You are not so real ..read more