Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
A weekly podcast of the Center for Spiritual Living in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. I have often wished that there were a class in how to skillfully meet the many challenges that life presents.
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
1w ago
As the song lyrics ask, “Why have you come to earth? Why have you come to birth? Do you remember?” Could we inhabit these questions and awaken the Presence within? Each of us must discover the answers from within ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
2w ago
Our attention is the tangible measure of our love. Examine where we spend our time and attention. Is a recalibration of our priorities in order ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
3w ago
When the lens of our perception is cleansed, the whole world is seen with fresh eyes. Changing the way we look at things enables a shift both within and without ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
1M ago
It has been said that the only one who wants change is a baby with a dirty diaper. Although we resist necessary change, it is heartening to realize that it is possible ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
1M ago
When we awaken to our interconnectedness, we are called to serve what is whole amidst the chaos. As we live in the question, we can start with “What’s still true for me?” The clarity begins to strengthen as we transform anger into courage, sadness into compassion, and confusion into resolve. We belong together ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
2M ago
Could we slow down enough to receive images and messages that educate the heart? This requires that we be attentive and receptive to the oracles of life. We listen with our heart and soul ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
2M ago
We are here to grow and evolve. Let us ignite the call of our soul to an authentic life filled with meaning and purpose ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
2M ago
We can cultivate a readiness for clarity and authenticity by practicing patience, acceptance, inner inquiry, and seeking out the wise. The key is to search for the Ground of All Being where we find acceptance and contentment ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
2M ago
How we practice compassion between us and integrity within us is the ongoing journey of the inner self. The self that contains our essence is never in isolation from other life. How do we stay open to others and not lose who we are? Our journey becomes one of “falling in” and “loving through” the mystery of life ..read more
Center for Spiritual Living Huntsville
3M ago
Blessed be the gifts you never notice - your health, eyes to behold the world, your heart to feel the world’s waves, your breath to breathe the nourishment of distance made intimate by Earth ..read more