Christian Kingdom Alliance
The Christian Kingdom Alliance has been started as a blog with the hopes of it developing into a large-scale organization. It was founded by a Christian teacher named Paul Condello. Paul is a state-certified teacher who has worked in the public school system. He currently teaches for a private educational company online.
Christian Kingdom Alliance
1d ago
You may have heard people say they might become a Christian later in life, but there are Christians who can tell you from personal ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
1w ago
Sometimes, many positions at an organization like a Christian school need to be filled quickly. With Christian organizations, however ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
1w ago
Sometimes, people leave Christianity because they have made a mistake. They feel embarrassed and believe they are not worthy to be ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
3w ago
A lesson to be remembered is to not take advantage of people who are being generous. Imagine your boss is giving you about five to ten ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
1M ago
Thinking about letting go of an idea you now see as wrong can be hard. In some cases, it can require a lot of humility and sacrifice ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
1M ago
Should I care what other people think? It is not that you shouldn’t care what people think but that you don’t want to let what others ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
1M ago
People who are new to religion may wonder why you should love God with all your heart and mind. It is best to explain that God should ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
1M ago
People will give you different answers. However, if you really want to find a good answer, you can, and it isn’t just any answer.   ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
2M ago
Once you come to see the Christian life for what it is, you realize it is like a good movie. The tests of courage, conflict, venturing ..read more
Christian Kingdom Alliance
2M ago
People in authority roles can have it rough. This is a big reason why it is important to help people understand how to think objectively ..read more