Take a Stand
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
5d ago
What will you do to help protect B.C.’s old-growth forests from logging ..read more
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Understanding Trauma
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
1M ago
In this age of being trauma-informed, here’s a good start. What is trauma? Bessel van der Kolk, psychiatrist, trauma researcher, and author of The Body Keeps The Score, explains ..read more
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Dear Audrey
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
2M ago
A quote from the NFB film Dear Audrey has really stuck with me.“The main thing is to encourage the creative spirit of each person to come out, and you don’t do that by marks. As long as you do your best to express yourself, you get an A. I think that life is like that ..read more
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Morning Walk
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
9M ago
Between March 17 – 23, 2024, it’s Horticultural Therapy week in Canada. As the Horticultural Therapist at Homewood Ravensview, I offer between 10 – 12 sessions/week. Many of those sessions include some form of a walking activity, like a guided forest labyrinth walk, or a walk with plant identification, or just a walk around the property to review with clients what gardening tasks have recently been accomplished, or to identify what still needs to be completed. Another reason I like to include a walk, is because it’s a reason to get clients outside, and into the fresh air! I walk the talk away ..read more
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The Labyrinth in the Forest
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
1y ago
I’m approaching my first-year anniversary working as the Horticultural Therapist at Homewood Ravensview. At Ravensview, we are very fortunate to be located on 28 acres of forested hillside. The area is the traditional home to the WSÁNEĆ people and is referred to as ȽÁU,WELṈEW̱/John Dean Park. One of the primary reasons I accepted the role was I saw it as an opportunity to connect others with the local land on a deeper level.  Even before I worked my first shift at Ravensview, I began dreaming of building a labyrinth somewhere on the property so clients and staff could have ongoing a ..read more
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Horticultural Therapy Week
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
1y ago
What is Horticultural Therapy? Horticultural Therapy (HT) is a formal practice that uses plants, horticultural activities and the garden landscape to promote well-being for its participants. HT is goal orientated with defined outcomes and assessment procedures. HT sessions are administered by professionally trained horticultural therapists. Therapeutic Horticulture (TH) is the purposeful use of plants and plant-related activities to promote health and wellness for an individual or group. Goals and defined outcomes for individual participants are not necessarily considered nor clinica ..read more
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The Power of Words
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
1y ago
Rainbow Fish by Cliff Thorbes Many across Canada recognize June as Pride Month. I’m proud that in the MHFA Standard training I provide, we explore guidelines for cross-cultural competence, and communicating with the 2SLGBTQ+ community. I’m currently doing some professional development, and was introduced to the Q Glossary, a resource that explains Queer terminology. Words can empower, acknowledge, identify, validate, promote understanding, celebrate, provide reassurance, heal, and they can be used as weapons to inflict pain, destroy, harm, divide, label, perpetuate stereotypes, predjudice and ..read more
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It’s All About the Questions
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
1y ago
Reflective processing is about diversity of thinking and engaging your mind deliberately in order to grow and improve. It’s at the core of creativity, empathy, analysis, open-mindedness, problem solving, and goal setting. Reflective thinking is a skill used throughout one’s career, and if nurtured, and sharpened through practice, can lead to improved employability and ongoing career growth. Most of the time, I operate on auto-pilot; following a set pattern of daily routines. From a professional perspective, reflective thinking is a purposeful way of thinking (versus daydreaming) about experie ..read more
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Autumn 2021
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
1y ago
There’s a Japanese maple outside my front door that’s captivating my attention these days. The color of the leaves is such a lovely copper-bronze. I know the leaves won’t be here for much longer so I’m making sure to appreciate them while they are. They’re spent from spring and summer. I expect the windstorm tonight will blow a good many of them to the deck below. I’m looking forward to the show the moss and lichen that live on the same tree, will put on next. ©Cliff Thorbes 2022 ..read more
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Nature Play
Cliff Thorbes, Horticultural Therapist Blog
by Cliff Thorbes
1y ago
Photograpy by James Curtis NATURE PLAY SWIM 33 of summer 2021 (Beaver Lake, Victoria BC) Play is the business of childhood and playing outdoors in Nature brings out the child in me. I believe it’s important to remain in touch with our inner-child throughout our lifetime. It keeps us feeling young and provides us with precious moments of carefree abandon. Nature Play occurs primarily outside in the natural environment and involves play with natural elements and features like water, rocks, sticks, pine cones, leaves, and shells. Nature Play is known to promote physical, cognitive, soci ..read more
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