Innovation is key to reducing cervical cancer
by Redaktion
6d ago
With a global commitment to significantly reducing cervical cancer cases by 2030 and eliminating cervical cancer as a public health issue by 2100, continued collaboration and innovation will be the key to turning the vision of Cervical Cancer Awareness Month 2025 into reality. This contribution to Tech Truster: Femtech News was written by Kicki Bajlum. […] Indlægget Innovation is key to reducing cervical cancer blev først udgivet på TechTruster more
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By redefining infant feeding, Caramma wins a Danish Design Award
by Vanessa Julia Carpenter
2M ago
The Danish Design Award recently celebrated innovation and impact across a range of industries. This year, one moment stood out: the recognition of Caramma, a company redefining infant feeding through thoughtful, human-centered design. Their achievement is not just a win for Caramma but also a milestone for the growing field of femtech. A Revolutionary Approach […] Indlægget By redefining infant feeding, Caramma wins a Danish Design Award blev først udgivet på TechTruster more
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Anmeldelse: Withings Scanwatch kan styrke viden om kvinders hjertesundhed
by Vanessa Julia Carpenter
3M ago
Dette er den danske oversættelse af en artikel, der blev udgivet tidligere i år på engelsk, her. Din venstre arm bliver følelsesløs, og du falder om. Det er symptomer vi normalt forbinder med et hjerteanfald. Men hvis du er en kvinde, skal du især være opmærksom på brystsmerter, smerter i øvre ryg eller nakke, fordøjelsesbesvær, […] Indlægget Anmeldelse: Withings Scanwatch kan styrke viden om kvinders hjertesundhed blev først udgivet på TechTruster more
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Femtech Studios takes the stage at TechBBQ
by Cecilie Helm Darling
5M ago
Under the theme “Femtech: The $1 trillion investment opportunity,” Ulla Sommerfelt, co-founder of Femtech Studios, hosted a panel debate at TechBBQ about the challenges facing femtech start-ups in getting funding despite strong business cases. Femtech Studio is a newly formed venture investing in femtech and women’s health start-ups. The panel discussed not only the wealth […] Indlægget Femtech Studios takes the stage at TechBBQ blev først udgivet på TechTruster more
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Ovulay TENS device for period pain review: Do TENS devices really work?
by Sara Janasz
5M ago
Are you popping painkillers and reaching for your hot water bottle as soon as your period starts? Perhaps you’re looking for a drug-free solution to reduce your pain. Ovulay is a TENS devices for period pain that claims to do just that. I’ve tested if it actually works. I’m Sara Janasz, a reviewer for TechTruster […] Indlægget Ovulay TENS device for period pain review: Do TENS devices really work? blev først udgivet på TechTruster more
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TechTruster is taking a summer break
by Redaktion
5M ago
TechTruster is taking a summer break after a period of change, an increase in traffic, and lots of new content. We have new editors with a passion for giving you news and insights on innovative health tech solutions for women. Summer break reading suggestions While we recharge our batteries and get ready for the next […] Indlægget TechTruster is taking a summer break blev først udgivet på TechTruster more
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Smart earrings help control perimenopause symptoms
by Cecilie Helm Darling
8M ago
Senss earrings can help you control perimenopause symptoms such as hot flashes and heart palpitations, but also angst and stress. SERIES: This is the second article in a series about the digital jewellery prototypes presented at the KEA Meaningful Menopause Jewellery exhibition in 2024. If produced, these wearables can help women experiencing perimenopause and menopause symptoms. The Senss earrings can help you control perimenopause symptoms. They measure your physiological state and help you predict when menopause symptoms might flare up. The earrings are designed in honour of all the dedicat more
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Decoding the Future of Women (5 takeaways from the conference)
by Vanessa Julia Carpenter
8M ago
Decoding the Future of Women was a conference held in London in June, amassing hundreds of femtech innovators and bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and visionaries to explore the future of women’s health technology. It is organized by Femtech Labs Europe. With topics ranging from wild ideas like giving birth in space, or important new achievements like uterus transplants to everyday topics like menopause, aging ovaries, medicine 3.0, and custom personalized supplements, this conference covered all aspects of the emerging innovations in women’s health.  The conference feature more
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Iceland Innovation Week: Introducing Lioness and SheSleep
by Vanessa Julia Carpenter
9M ago
Iceland Innovation Week featured fireside chats, and I was fortunate enough to host the Founder’s stage and witness the talk, “Under the Covers: Sextech, Sleep, and Women’s Wellness” with Anna Lee, Co-Founder & CEO of Lioness, and Erla Björnsdóttir, Founder & CEO of SheSleep. Anna and Erla began their discussion by acknowledging the current state of women’s healthcare—a historically under-researched and underserved area that has only recently gained attention. Anna and Erla began their discussion with acknowledgement of the standard of women’s health care today – that it is an area wh more
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Åben høring om overgangsalder skaber opmærksomhed på omkostninger og behov
by Vanessa Julia Carpenter
10M ago
Den 17. april  afholdt Folketingets Sundhedsudvalg en åben høring for at diskutere sundhedspleje til personer, der lider af symptomer på overgangsalderen. Selvom stort set alle  kvinder oplever et eller flere af disse symptomer i større eller mindre grad, har kvinders overgangsalder været behæftet med stigma. Men det er vigtigt at se overgangsalderen som en naturlig fase af livet og ikke en sygdom. Mange andre lande har allerede etablerede politikker og initiativer for, hvordan sundhedsvæsenet behandler kvinder, der er generet af symptomer på overgangsalder, især i Storbritannien, Sv more
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