Was This HOA Board Right Not to Tell Owners a Neighbor Has Sued for Millions? [HOAleader.com Video]
2h ago
In this week�s tip, we question whether owners in a Las Vegas HOA should have heard about an $8 million lawsuit against their community from the neighbor who�s suing or whether their board should have taken the lead and notified the community of the lawsuit ..read more
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Why Condos/HOAs Shouldn�t Jump to a Conclusion of Fraud with Emotional Support Animals
1w ago
A 30-unit Florida condo has�allegedly�three �fraudulent� emotional service animals in the community. The evidence? Online medical experts provided certifications for two of the animals; the third owner is ignoring board outreach to verify the need for the accommodation ..read more
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What to Do About HOA President Not Sharing All Complaints About the Manager
2w ago
In this week�s tip, answer an HOAleader.com reader�s question about whether the board president is required to share every complaint received with all the board members and officers. This is definitely a gray area, though in general, our experts say HOA leaders should err on the side of transparency ..read more
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Is This HOA President Respecting the Board�s Time or Hoarding Information?
2w ago
An HOAleader.com reader asks: �I�m an officer of a Virginia condo board. Right now residents send complaints directly to the president of the board. He almost never shares them with the rest of the board. Most of them are about our general manager, who�s not doing a good job. But since we don�t hear these complaints, we have little information to act on ..read more
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Condo Board Keeps Raising Costs, and Our Experts Worry They�re Still Not On Top of Costs
3w ago
In this week�s tip, we unpack a news report about a Missouri condo community that has increased assessments and imposed special assessments several times in the past several years, essentially doubling owners� fees ..read more
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Is This String of Fees Shocking or a Condo Getting Its Affairs in Order?
3w ago
A Missouri condo community has increased assessments and imposed special assessments several times in the past several years, essentially doubling owners� fees. One owner�s assessment jumped from $273 last year to $402 in January. That�s on top of a $1,738 special assessment imposed last December. Yet another assessment is planned, spreading out over nine months starting in July. It�ll result in a monthly fee of $830 for those months ..read more
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This Condo�s Board and Officers Have Seen Tons of Turnover: Whose Term Ends When?
1M ago
We hope you like puzzles because in this week�s tip, we�re working through a brain teaser of sorts. Our challenge comes in response to an HOAleader.com reader�s question: "During the summer of 2023, our condo association had no board members. A special election was held, and three of the seven candidates were elected. They decided among themselves who�d fill what role and for what term ..read more
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Working Through the Corporate Transparency Act, One Question at a Time
1M ago
The Corporate Transparency Act is a challenge to understand, let alone comply with. We�re here to help! Just send us your questions, and our experts will do their best to clarify and advise ..read more
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The Confusing Case of Condo Board Members and Officers Playing Revolving Doors
1M ago
An HOAleader.com reader asks: "During the summer of 2023, our condo association had no board members. A special election was held, and three of the seven candidates were elected. They decided among themselves who�d fill what role and for what term ..read more
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Florida Wipes Out Some Condo/HOA Parking Bans: Will That Fuel Other State Changes?
1M ago
Florida just passed two changes to its HOA law on the parking front. In this week�s tip, we share details and ask other states� community association experts whether these are laws likely to spread beyond Florida ..read more
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