If you want to change your culture, change your stories
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Ginger Leadership Communications
2M ago
I often hear corporate L&D people say, ‘We need to be better at storytelling.’ But what does this mean in practice? Often, it means that they want their salespeople to tell stories to help them build better customer relationships. Or they want people who were previously working behind the scenes to become more customer-facing. Another key outcome is that they want to start changing their organisational culture. This makes sense. Why? Because, when well-structured and well told, stories are all about transformation. They appeal to the heart as well as the head and, if people can find themse ..read more
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How does Purpose show up in your organization?
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Carlinde Kallianiotis
2M ago
At Ginger, we believe that if leaders speak up in an authentic way, we can create more purposeful leadership and inspire human brilliance. We also believe that it takes courage to do this and we need to be bolder and braver in how we use our voices to create positive change. That’s why we decided to launch a series of leadership conversations, to share views and ideas with senior leaders across different industries around some important leadership topics . Our most recent leadership conversation explored the connection between individual (what we call ‘big P’) Purpose and Corporate Purpose wit ..read more
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How to become a thought leader: mastering the art of influence in leadership communications
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Sarah Lloyd-Hughes
2M ago
Charting the Course to Thought Leadership with Ginger Embarking on the path to thought leadership requires courage and confidence. It’s all about blending your expertise with the power of influence, impactful communication and the art of storytelling. Let’s break this down and give you a flavour of Ginger’s approach. Think of thought leadership as your opportunity to influence the conversation within your industry by sharing your unique perspectives. It’s about leveraging what your organisation knows and does differently and sharing these insights to shape the industry’s future. According to&n ..read more
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The hidden value of public speaking courses for team building
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Sarah Lloyd-Hughes
2M ago
Happy team after completing The Fundamentals of Public Speaking workshop with Ginger.The Anatomy of a Successful Team If you were to examine the anatomy of a successful team, you’d probably find that the ties binding it together are often formed through shared experiences. It’s the collective trials, triumphs and tribulations that create an unspoken bond, a camaraderie that can help team members navigate the highs and lows of corporate challenges. One such experience, which is often overlooked for its team-building potential, is a communication skills workshop. Learning how to be an impactful ..read more
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The critical importance of listening for leading and influencing.
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Sarah Lloyd-Hughes
2M ago
Last week, I attended a fascinating event promoting Citizens’ Assemblies – an exciting format of ‘deliberative democracy’ that fosters informed discussions among a wide range of people with the aim of using ‘hive wisdom’ to address the trickiest of subjects. For example, according to the Electoral Reform Society, it took only 99 ordinary citizens to help break years of political deadlock and reach a consensus on the highly polarising issue of abortion in Ireland, one of the most contentious political and religious issues you could imagine. Citizens’ Assemblies are a clever and captivating idea ..read more
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Lost Voices: Why we must reconnect the disconnected generation
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Ginger Leadership Communications
2M ago
Much has been written about the physical and mental health impacts of the pandemic but what’s currently emerging is a picture of the challenges faced by the so-called ‘Covid generation’ of employees – the graduates and interns who have recently entered the workforce. A recent article in the Financial Times revealed that Deloitte and PwC are investing in extra coaching for their youngest UK staff after noticing that recruits whose education was disrupted by lockdowns lack confidence in speaking up in meetings, making presentations, collaborating with colleagues and networking. It seems clear th ..read more
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What does it mean to be vulnerable in our leadership?
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Carlinde Kallianiotis
2M ago
In our most recent Ginger leadership conversation, we invited senior leaders to discuss the tender topic of vulnerability. Researcher and author Brene Brown, who’s best known for her TED talk on the power of vulnerability, says that vulnerability is not only the birthplace of love, belonging, joy and creativity but also the source of hope, empathy, accountability and authenticity. These words hold particular significance in the context of leadership, as vulnerability plays a pivotal role in our quest to be engaging and empathetic leaders.  It’s a delicate balance to strike, as we must be ..read more
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How do we create the space for women to support women?
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Ginger Leadership Communications
2M ago
In just a few days either side of International Women’s Day, I experienced the kind of heart-centred power surge that can only be generated when women support women – first at Ginger’s Game Changers Women’s Leadership Summit and second at the start of a Ginger leadership communications programme for women in the legal industry that I was co-facilitating in New York. Let’s start with Game Changers, a gathering of more than 100 women leaders under the glass dome of the assembly hall at Church House in London’s Westminster. Our shared commitment was to take action as a force for good, amplify our ..read more
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How leaders turn difficult conversations into courageous ones
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Carlinde Kallianiotis
2M ago
How do we as leaders approach challenging conversations? This was one of the questions on our minds as we were deciding on the theme of Ginger’s recent Leadership Conversation event. To help us find an answer, we invited a group of senior, visionary and ambitious leaders to share their approach to high-stakes conversations and best practices on how to inspire others to speak up on important matters – in other words, how to be courageous. We posed three questions to our participants and received some powerful, actionable insights.  What types of difficult conversations need to be had and w ..read more
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How does Purpose show up in your organisation?
Ginger Leadership Communications
by Kate Barker and Carlinde Kallianiotis
7M ago
At Ginger, we believe that if leaders speak up in an authentic way, we can create more purposeful leadership and inspire human brilliance. We also believe that it takes courage to do this and we need to be bolder and braver in how we use our voices to create positive change. That’s why we decided to launch a series of leadership conversations, to share views and ideas with senior leaders across different industries around some important leadership topics . Our most recent leadership conversation explored the connection between individual (what we call ‘big P’) Purpose and Corporate Purpose wit ..read more
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